Did you know that Futuro Verde receives support from people around the world and in different ways? Some make their donation only once to support a specific project, others are interested in annual campaigns and others, like the character of this article, donate monthly to support all the campaigns of the school.

We love to know a little more about the people who support us and follow our work from other places, that is why we gave ourselves the goal of knowing a little more about where they come from and what some of our donors are doing.

On this occasion, we had the pleasure of meeting Holly Scheuer, native from Texas who fell in love with the area of the Nicoya Peninsula, which is how she learned about Futuro Verde.

Holly is also a teacher in a school in Texas and that is why Futuro Verde has caught her attention. In our interview, Holly mentioned that what she liked the most about Futuro Verde is that students are not only learning, but that they are learning in a creative way and most importantly they are exposed to a constant social responsibility, which is what we need in our classes nowadays.

For Holly, as a teacher and as a citizen of the world, the most important thing that she believes that schools should be teaching children and young people is about our Earth, our world and how to take care of it, she told us how she believes that Futuro Verde is doing a great job achieving this goal, it is for this and for her belief that all children must be learning in the classroom that Holly gives support to Futuro Verde from afar.

We are confident that we will continue to collaborate with Holly or “Ardilla” as her students in Texas call her in the future.

Thanks to Holly and all our collaborators for making possible the dream of education!

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