International bilingual IB World School Futuro Verde

In the face of a crisis like the one we are currently experiencing worldwide, it is of utmost importance to our citizens that the national institutions of leadership take the necessary actions to overcome the emergency. A timely government response can make all the difference, not only in the real impact of the crisis, but also in the responsible attitude of the population.

In the case of Costa Rica, the government’s decisions were made quickly. Even as we go through this experience, in a way, this response has strengthened the credibility of state institutions for the people of Costa Rica. Examples of these government-driven operations range from setting up a specialized health care center for patients with the virus, to closing the borders, to producing and distributing antiseptic solution, and prohibiting vehicle traffic at night. All of these measures have contributed to the public’s perception of a kind of shield, which can only be achieved through good leadership.

International Bilingual IB World School Futuro Verde Online Learning

However, the concern and desire to overcome the current situation is not only a concern for the national authorities. On a more local level, the student government of Futuro Verde is aware of how this difficult context is developing and, due to its commitment to the student community, continues to meet in order to discuss ways to provide support to the students when they return to the institution. Additionally, they seek to ensure that a hygiene protocol is maintained to help protect, as much as possible, the health and general well-being of their fellow students.

What other action could more accurately reflect the way that our school prepares students for citizenship, than the genuine concern that our students are showing for their peers during a difficult time like this? Great work, Futuro Verde student government!

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