12th grade IB

We are looking forward to another first as we celebrate a decade of Futuro Verde, our first year of twelfth grade! Some of the students might not be sure why that is something to celebrate, but one of the best things for the teachers and staff is that we don’t have to say goodbye to the students just yet! They have another year to prepare themselves for university or whatever comes next, and our younger students have another year to benefit from their maturity and learn from the good examples they set.

Twelfth grade means more than just a change for the students who normally would have graduated after their national exams at the end of 11th grade. This progress positively impacts our enrollment, there will be some exciting changes for some our teachers and administrators, and we will be examining how to make the most effective use of our learning spaces.

This is an exciting new chapter in Futuro Verde’s history and we look forward to keeping you informed about the progress of our seniors throughout the year.

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