Mark your calendars, student-led conferences are coming up on September 10, 2018. Please plan on having your child present to lead the conference. Student-led conferences are an integral part of the Futuro Verde culture and have many different benefits for both parents and students alike.
As parents, your role in the conference is to listen to your child as they explain their successes, growths, reflections, and goals for the future. Then, it is also important for you to give your child feedback on areas of growth that you have seen and wish that you would like to see them accomplish.
The student’s role is to be able to express their own growth within the learning process through work samples, reflections, and goal setting. We expect students to share their information in an organized manner, be good communicators, and be able to answer your questions as they arise to better explain their learning.
Different from parent-teacher conferences, the teacher’s role is mainly to help facilitate the conference, with the student as the leader. Teachers will guide students through the reflection process as they prepare to share their learning in this specific format. Because they play a more passive role in this type of conference, you might find that the teacher will facilitate several student-led conferences at once.
At Futuro Verde, we strive for our students to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, independent, and reflective. Research shows that student-led conferences are one way to actively engage students in the learning process and provide them opportunities to develop the aforementioned traits. Student-led conferences also allow parents to play a more active role in their child’s education by offering the time and space to share learning and ask clarifying questions. Futuro Verde welcomes all families to take part in this special day to share glows and grows of each and every student.