by Lural Ramirez | Feb 28, 2019

Excellent news welcomed FV students to the 2019 school year with the announcement of a new scholarship available to all FV grads who achieve an IB diploma!
Futuro Verde presents: John Dolan University Launch Scholarship
John J. Dolan valued the power of a high quality education and he showed this commitment through direct student sponsorship at Futuro Verde and, following his untimely passing, the establishment of a scholarship fund in his name.
John’s legacy at Futuro Verde continues to grow with our high school students now having a new motivator to strive for! They say that education is the gift that lasts a lifetime and, in John’s name and to promote his legacy of giving and generosity, eligible FV high school graduates will now have a leg up as they head off to university via our new John Dolan University Launch Scholarship! An entirely merit based award, the John Dolan University Launch Scholarship is available to all FV high school graduates who earn the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. Each year a $1,000 John Dolan University Launch Scholarship will be awarded to every 12th grade student who meets eligibility requirements. Scholarships are non-repayable and are awarded on the basis of a student’s academic success while a student at Futuro Verde and during the final IB exams.
A Futuro Verde education, and respective IB diploma, just became that more valuable! We can’t wait to see what our first group of 12th graders do with their new scholarship funds as they pursue their university dreams!
by Vidhi Gada | Feb 27, 2019

Futuro Verde has always valued learning from varied, practical, real-life experiences more than only learning from books. This is amply reflected in the number of innovative teaching and learning strategies used by all the teachers in the school as well as the extra-curricular after school clubs offered for students. We also believe that exposure to culture is one of the best lessons we can give our students.
To bring this philosophy further to life, we have undertaken a new endeavour – to host Open Mic nights on a regular basis! So many of our students are highly creative and talented. These Open Mic nights would be the perfect avenue for them to showcase their talents, and to hone them. Students are welcome to perform singing songs, slam poetry, performance poetry instrumental performances, stand-up comedy, Karaoke – the possibilities are endless!
In anticipation of this exciting event, we are pleased to announce the commencement of a new club – the Slam Poetry Club, held every Tuesday from 3:15-4:15, starting from 5th March. Please email for more details.
To end, I’ll borrow the famous lines from Dead Poet’s Society, “ We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”
Our first Open Mic night will be held in at the end of March. Start preparing your pieces, and keep watching this space for more updates!
by Katie Chiaverini | Feb 25, 2019

Permaculture, sustainability, regenerative practices…all synonyms for a holistic approach defined by Bill Mollison as “a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system.”
Thanks to the non-profit, Green Wave Enterprise, this will be Futuro Verde’s second year of implementing permaculture concepts, in hopes to one day create a functioning permaculture campus. This year, we will have an experienced permaculturist provide hands-on workshops to students at each grade level, focusing on different environmental topics related to sustainable practices. A long term plan is already in the works to keep the program flourishing throughout the years.
A few sample permaculture workshops offered across the grade levels include:
1st Grade – Happy Chickens: An introduction to basic chicken needs, including sustainable feeding practices, and the maintenance of a chicken coop.
2nd Grade – Biointensive Gardening 1: An introduction to sowing seeds and planting with the moon.
3rd Grade – Lasagna Compost: Creation of layered compost by gathering materials and ingredients, measuring contents and maintaining compost pile to later be used in our garden.
6th Grade – Biofermentos and Foliar Sprays: An introduction into the creation and use of different fermented foliar sprays made from fruits and plants
8th Grade – Biointensive Gardening 2: An introduction into biointensive gardening techniques: transplanting, companion planting, succession, maintaining a garden, planting with the moon, natural pest and disease control.
Hopefully as you walk throughout our campus, you will see the slow transformation and are always welcome to go visit the chicken coop and new covered garden area at the back of the school. We are very excited for the addition of permaculture-based workshops to our comprehensive environmental education program.
by Katie Chiaverini | Feb 24, 2019

This year Futuro Verde is excited to offer a new course for students 7th to 12th grade – College Counseling! Each year students will focus on different aspects of learning and reflection to help them be better equipped for life after high school. We will focus on developing skills as well as providing enrichment opportunities which will help set students up for success. The program is meant to build upon skills and knowledge obtained in each grade level as the focus changes throughout the program.
7th grade focus: My grades are important.
As students transition from primary school to middle school, we will support their academic success by focusing on self management skills. We will focus on the importance of time management and prioritizing learning by creating positive habits.
8th grade focus: I am a well rounded student.
In their second year of middle school, students will receive more support in leading a balanced life. Exploring creativity, academic areas, physical well-being and service are all aspects of becoming well-rounded students. The College Counseling class will encourage participation in school events like sports teams, art and music festivals, and academic competitions and the creation of a digital portfolio.
9th grade focus: I am identifying who I am and what I like.
In 9th grade, the course will guide students to consider areas of particular personal interest and to focus their energies on those areas with more purpose as they identify their own unique qualities and interests that they would like to explore further. Resume building, test-taking strategies, Grade Point Average importance, and the seeking of exchange opportunities will also be built into this year’s curriculum.
10th – 12th grade focus: What to do and how to do it?
In our very diverse student population we aim to provide assistance for students to explore various options to further their education: like gap years, language and cultural exchanges, college fairs, volunteerships, internships, employment, local and international university admittance, and trade schools. We will help students track deadlines for applications and test dates and improve their resume and educational portfolio.
Plan developed by: Head of School, IB DPC, College Counseling Committee Members
College Counseling Support Plan May 2017
by Angie Briceño | Feb 23, 2019

As every year, this 2019 during the month of April we will have the Earth Day Charity Challenge, where students support a local organization to achieve their goals and carry out fundraising campaigns to help them achieve them.
This year, each organization competing in the Earth Day Charity Challenge will be participating with a specific project or initiative within its program, so the money raised will go directly to the development of that initiative or specific project.
Participant organizations will be competing for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as the following:
1st place wins $1000
2nd place wins $750
3rd place wins $500
Below, the list of participant organizations:
- Futuro Verde Student Government
- Wild Sun
- Refugio Romelia
- Karen Morgensen Reserve
- Futuro Verde Animal friends
We will be sharing more information soon. Get ready for 2019 Earth Day Charity Challenge!
by Angie Briceño | Feb 21, 2019

2019 comes with many surprises, emotions and new faces!
This year we had 46 new students who will be accompanying us throughout their educational career, we wish them many successes and have a year full of adventures and learning here at Futuro Verde.
9 new students joined us while visiting Costa Rica, beautiful country they have decided to have an unforgettable educational and cultural experience, which is why they have been attending Futuro Verde and have participated during this month of all the activities in the classrooms.
We feel very fortunate to continue growing as an institution and we are very grateful with all of you who placed your trust in us with the education of your children. We are very happy to have more families visiting us and permanent families around the area, this year our students come from the United States, Canada, Argentina, England, France, Nicaragua, Germany and of course Costa Rica.
We wish all our students a successful year and we hope to keep growing together!
Big thank you to ALL Futuro Verde families!