Parent-Teacher conferences have been well received at Futuro Verde since their implementation in 2015. An opportunity for a personal meeting with teachers allows parents to better understand their child’s experience at school, their academic and social emotional strengths and weaknesses and conferences give teachers an invaluable opportunity to hear directly from parents- their concerns and worries and their questions and their suggestions for how to best work with their children.
This second trimester we are excited to announce student-led conferences, to be held during the Trimester II each school year! Student-led conferences have a slightly different format and purpose than the parent-teacher conferences we hold during the first and third trimester each year. Student-led conferences are conference times set aside for your child to lead their own conversation and sharing with you, the parent(s). Your child will have a portfolio of work to share, work that has been selected by your child and work upon which they have personally reflected on prior to meeting with you in order to have a conversation with you regarding their learning processes, their interests, their successes and their struggles. Come ready to see your child in a new light, to learn from them first hand and to help support them in making concrete learning goals for the rest of the school year.
Mark your calendars now and assure that you and your child will be present on September 8 and 9 for your child’s conference. Remember, parents who are directly involved in their child’s education tend to have more successful and happier children. Student-led conferences- a fun and simple way to connect to your child’s learning and development!