During the month of September, at the same time as our fellow Central American nations, we celebrate our country´s Declaration of Independence. As a result, a series of activities are organized, such as decorating the classrooms with patriotic symbols, creating lanterns, and rehearsing for the colorful parade of marching bands, flag bearers and twirlers, among others.
This holiday, in particular, is highly valued at a national level as it represents a special opportunity to reflect on how proud we feel of our political stability and pacifism, which is evident in the fact that our parades, throughout the country, are organized and spearheaded by our “army” of teachers and students.
This year, all our students are already preparing for their participation in the parade on Sunday, September 15th. To this purpose, we have formed a variety of groups preparing different types of presentations and dedicating time and effort to our weekly rehearsals.
In addition, at the beginning of September, our classrooms and corridors will be decorated with patriotic symbols and lanterns will be made for the nightly lantern parades held in each community on Saturday, September 14th. In conclusion, our students will have the opportunity to enjoy all the ongoing activities while developing their civic awareness.