Living here on the peninsula, we all know how fortunate we are to have Futuro Verde as a high-quality educational solution for our children.  But, did you know that Futuro Verde’s reputation as an innovative two-way immersion school is growing internationally as well?

During the second week of November, Futuro Verde’s special programs coordinator, Stuart Millar, and former Futuro Verde teacher and retired University Professor and Researcher, Eileen Waldschmidt, will join me, Futuro Verde’s director, in leading a presentation at the prestigious La Cosecha conference in the United States.  Our presentation will target interested universities and researchers, encouraging them to come to Futuro Verde and study our educational program while encouraging qualified pre-service teachers to choose Futuro Verde for their practicum schooling requirements.

But, how will these opportunities benefit your child?  In so many ways!  For example:

  • Futuro Verde’s collaboration with university researchers and experts in the field of bilingual and international education gives us immediate feedback and access to high-quality professional growth opportunities for FV administration and staff.
  • On-going inclusion of diverse student teachers, in complement to our highly qualified FV staff, allows for more opportunities for small group instruction and learning enrichment.

You can also become a part of Futuro Verde’s development as a flagship school in the world of bilingual education by signing up now to attend our 3rd annual Conference on Bilingual, Holistic and Sustainable Education, to be held on June 29th and 30th, 2017 at the Futuro Verde campus.  We are thrilled to be welcoming, as a keynote speaker to our conference, Dr. Kathy Escamilla, one of the most prolific and respected researchers in the field of bilingual education.  Join the movement and become an informed advocate for the high-quality learning environment Futuro Verde provides!

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