educación musical, music education, ib school, bilingual school, costa rica

Teaching music at Futuro Verde pursues the twofold objective of addressing content pertinent to music education (using a holistic, constructivist and meaningful educational and philosophical approach), as well as developing personal expression through music that allows each student, and their families, to enjoy the many benefits that art, in general, and music, in particular, offer to those who practice it and those who are exposed to its positive influence.

As a consequence, the Futuro Verde Music Program proposes to perform various musical presentations during the last part of the school year, with the aim of completing the school year with enthusiasm and performing academic activities in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere while working towards achieving the objectives we set for ourselves (the direct benefits of practicing music).

Within the framework of promoting a school and community culture based on respect, harmony and peace, the musical activities of the last period of the current year will be aligned with this institutional objective. To achieve the foregoing we will perform school presentations such as those listed below:

-Recorder and piano ensembles

-Presentations of vocal and instrumental soloists accompanied by the piano

-Group vocal presentations

-Presentation of the new Futuro Verde violin ensemble (New CLUB in Futuro Verde)

-Voluntary presentations of members of the school community (open enrollment to relatives, teachers, administrative staff, etc.)

We wish to offer a space for all students to share their musicality, both individual and unique, with the school community, which is why we will participate actively in many musical presentations in the “R.A.P.” event. As of today, I cordially invite you all to enjoy the artistic expressiveness of our students and participate with presentations if you wish to do so.

If you have any doubts or requests for information please contact me (Professor Oscar,

Let’s finish the year with a lot of music in order to think, dream, build and strengthen a culture of respect, harmony, and peace.


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