At Futuro Verde we look forward to each new school year because the start of a new year brings with it opportunities to implement new and improved curricular plans! Here is a short summary of some exciting changes coming to our curricular offering:
World Languages: Our ever-expanding additional languages program in secondary is taking new shape in 2019! Eight different teachers will be collaborating together for this class and the structure will bring together multiple languages to be learned and explored (Classical Languages, French, Translation Studies and more!). The class will also provide for a time for students in need to receive additional support in their development of either English or Spanish, if they are newer to either of the languages. With a self-study, student-directed component to the World Languages course development, this new class is a perfect fit for our inquisitive secondary students!
Reaching that 50-50 English/Spanish goal in secondary!: New staffing choices and curricular decisions in 2019 are allowing for us to finally achieve a more perfect balance between English and Spanish instruction in the middle and high school grades. A more ideally balanced linguistic program makes for more well-developed language in both Spanish and English!
We finally add in 12th grade!!: 2019 starts with a real bang with 12th graders joining our preschool through 11th grade campus for the first time. We are immensely excited and proud to take this important step as a school! 12th grade also brings the final year of a two-year program of study for our first generation of International Baccalaureate (IB) graduates! This first group of 12th graders will take their final exams in November 2019 and, depending on their exam results, can qualify for two diplomas simultaneously: MEP bachillerato and the Bilingual IB Diploma.
Improved pool rental facilities and a brand new multi-use sports court!: 2019 marks a year of huge gains in sports programming within the Futuro Verde curriculum. We are working out the final details for the agreement with the privately owned, semi-Olympic pool facility directly across the street from Futuro Verde and construction will be complete before the new school year on our very own multi-use sports court facility located right on our campus!
College Counseling starting in 7th grade: We know that Futuro Verde is many things, to many people! Two of the aspects of our school that we are the most proud of combine next year for a new class for our 7th through 12th graders- College Counseling. Students and families love how we provide personalized and loving attention to all our students and most families choose our school because of the academic rigor and opportunity for a bright post-secondary future. The college counseling class will be co-taught by two Futuro Verde teachers whom have university and post-secondary experience in Costa Rica, Europe, Africa and the United States and they are excited to support our students in identifying their interests and passions, exploring university options or helping students to find their path in life.
Art/music/PE plan: Two big changes are coming to three of the biggest contributors to our holistic programming at Futuro Verde:
- In the early grades, we have hired a new specialist generalist who is tasked to teach Physical Education, Music and Art to our students grades preschool through 4th grade. All swimming classes will still be taught by Alejandro Ramirez, our certified swim instructor, with assistance from our new specialist generalist, Katie Reading.
- In the middle school years students will have a slight modification in their art and music classes, in that they will end each school year with a class that will be a collaborative performance and production class between the art and music classes. Students will be putting theory into practice in this collaborative performance and production class and we can’t wait to see their creativity applied to a real context!
As you can see, the curricular offering is just getting better and better in 2019 at Futuro Verde!