Academic Programs
Early Years
The Early Years Program at Futuro Verde offers an experiential, creative and challenging education for children ages 3-5 years of age.
Primary Years
The Primary Years Program at Future Verde is hallmarked by its rigor, its student-centered instruction and its dynamic teaching.
Middle Years
Diploma Years
The Diploma Years Program at Futuro Verde brings the international mindedness of our school full-circle.
Highlights of a Futuro Verde Education
Bilingual Language Program
For the primary and middle school years, our 50-50 Spanish/English dual immersion program provides opportunities for students to learn language through content.
Our program at the diploma years offers students the opportunity to spend 50% of their day in Spanish and 50% in English, with the exact language balance for each high schooler depending on each student’s specific schedule.
Another language component is our our additional language program. Students have regular Comparative Language Study classes in preschool and the primary grades, and they choose between French and Classical Languages in the middle school years.
Environmental Education
Futuro Verde is fortunate to have a teacher in charge of environmental project organization and weekly classes connected to environmental education. In their environmental education classes students learn to respect and care for the environment and they participate in community and school based projects. Furthermore, each classroom teacher assures integration of environmental themes into their specific subject area.
Integrated Assessment
Our assessment system is centered as much on the process as the product. Teachers assure a variety of opportunities for students to show their learning during each unit. The inclusion of projects, rubrics on a 4-point scale, anecdotal observations and portfolios, among others, is combined with a few written exams to determine each student’s final grade.
Sports and the Arts
Creative experiences, physical activity, service and volunteering form central pillars in our school. With art classes, music, physical education and swimming, and technology during students’ weekly schedule, we assure the development of a well-rounded child.
Community and Social Responsibility
The Community and Social Responsibility Program at FV supports our mission by providing students the opportunity to learn about their communities, serve others in those communities, and learn from those experiences. It is our hope that students at all levels of the school learn that serving others fosters their own individual growth and civic responsibility.
Our service programs reinforce FV’s commitment to community and interdependence. We value our role as a member of the community of the Southern Nicoya Peninsula and seek to enhance the lives of others through our collective initiative, programs, and resources.
International Baccalaureate
Futuro Verde is excited to have been authorized as an IB World School with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. These are schools that share a common philosophy- a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Centro Educativo Futuro Verde believes is important for our students.
“An IB education is unique because of its rigorous academic and personal standards. IB programmes challenge students to excel not only in their studies but also in their personal growth. The IB aims to inspire a lifelong quest for learning hallmarked by enthusiasm and empathy.” What is an IB education? (2015)
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit http://www.ibo.org and http://www.ibo.org/globalassets/digital-tookit/brochures/what-is-an-ib-education-en.pdf