
News and Announcements from Futuro Verde
Horarios Virtuales

Horarios Virtuales

Durante estos tiempos tan cambiantes en donde los casos en nuestra zona se han visto en aumento, Futuro Verde sigue trabajando para brindar continuidad educativa a todos nuestros estudiantes. Seguimos mejorando y aprendiendo día a día lo que...

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Creativity and Innovation: Robotics at Futuro Verde

Creativity and Innovation: Robotics at Futuro Verde

This 2020-21 has been atypical for our children, where we have had to migrate to a digital age that we were not used to. As part of the additional support for the boys, we implemented the robotics course. This discipline gives us an early approach...

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Creatividad e Innovación: Robótica en Futuro Verde

Creatividad e Innovación: Robótica en Futuro Verde

Este 2020-21 ha sido atípico para nuestros hijos, donde nos ha tocado migrar a un era digital de la cual no estábamos acostumbrados. Como parte del apoyo adicional a los chicos implementamos la asignatura de robótica. Esta disciplina nos brinda un...

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¿Cómo buscar motivación para que el niño/a lea?

¿Cómo buscar motivación para que el niño/a lea?

El día 23 de abril se celebra el Día Internacional del Libro, es una conmemoración para el fomento de la lectura, la industria editorial y la protección de la propiedad intelectual, esta fecha es simbólica al ser el mismo día del fallecimiento de...

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How can you encourage your child to read?

How can you encourage your child to read?

On April 23rd we celebrate International Book Day. It is a commemoration for the promotion of reading, the publishing industry and the protection of intellectual property. Cervantes and Shakespeare (among some other famous writers) passed away on...

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Mid-Semester Reports and their Importance

Mid-Semester Reports and their Importance

The time is approaching when teachers send home mid-semester reports. Mid-semester reports are just as important as end-of-semester grades, if not more important, because the purpose of these reports is to inform families about their child's...

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World Water Day 2021

World Water Day 2021

World Water Day World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 to reflect on the importance of this natural resource that allows us to live. We are very fortunate to live in an area where there is water everywhere and we do not have to travel to get...

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French Language

French Language

By Melanie The festival of the French language is celebrated on five continents. Why? It seems that 274 million people speak French, in France, Belgium, Quebec, in most African countries... with different accents! People everywhere use the same...

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International Social Justice Day

International Social Justice Day

This past February 20th was the International Day of Social Justice and what better opportunity than this to dedicate a few minutes of our time to ask ourselves how involved we are when a situation seems unjust, how informed we are about the...

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Preschool Update for February

Preschool Update for February

Greetings to everyone from the Preschool Department at Futuro Verde! Many parents and educators are coming to us with the same question: how are our littlest learners adapting to the new restrictions at school put in place due to the COVID - 19...

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Virtual Tours at Futuro Verde

Virtual Tours at Futuro Verde

This year Futuro Verde will be conducting school tours a bit differently than in the past. Due to Health Ministry protocols, in person tours of the school by prospective families are not permitted. However, you can still schedule a virtual tour and...

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Calendar transition means big savings

Calendar transition means big savings

2021 comes with major changes, including the transition in the school calendar from the national calendar to the Northern Hemisphere calendar. What does this change mean for families? Normally, with the calendar we have traditionally had, a family...

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Learning Model for 2021

Learning Model for 2021

We are starting 2021 with a lot of enthusiasm in a hybrid way on our campus. With the green light from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, we begin a year of learning back in the classroom together with online learning.  Parents...

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