News and Announcements from Futuro VerdeLetter #6: Novels at Futuro Verde – Building Our Literary Culture | Carta #6: Novelas en Futuro Verde – Construyendo Nuestra Cultura Literaria
Dear parents and students, Last year, we introduced a new academic requirement: all grades adopted a set of novels (4-6 in each language) as grade-level reading for all students. Additionally, we implemented textbooks for all major courses from 4th...
HOS Letter #5: Academic Outcomes – Semester I Review & Analysis (2024-2025) | Carta del HOS #5: Resultados Académicos – Revisión y Análisis del Primer Semestre (2024-2025)
Dear parents, students and faculty of Futuro Verde, Below is my analysis and report of our assessment outcomes for Semester I academic grades for grades 1-10th. A separate analysis for the IB Diploma program has already been shared. This...
HOS Letter #4: Reflections on Semester 1 & Looking Ahead to Semester 2 | A Message to Our Community from Dr. G | Cierre del Primer Semestre y Inicio del Segundo | Mensaje a Nuestra Comunidad de Dr. G
Dear members of the Futuro Verde community, Please accept my apologies for the delay in this message. My family and I contracted dengue and have been out of action for the past two weeks. It is with much pride and joy that we wrap up the first...
HOS Letter #2: Beginning of the Year – Moving Our School Forward! | Carta del HOS #2: Inicio del Año – Avanzando Nuestra Escuela Adelante
Dear Futuro Verde Community, With excitement, renewed commitment, and sure hope, we have started the 2024-25 academic year, our sixteenth year as a school! Over the summer, many wonderful things have further strengthened our school, and I am...
HOS Letter #1: Get Ready for an Exciting New School Year: Supplies, Teachers, and More! | Carta del HOS #1: ¡Prepárate para un Emocionante Nuevo Año Escolar! Útiles, Maestros y Más.
Dear Futuro Verde Parents, We hope you are enjoying the summer with your children! We are excited to share that our campus and classroom improvements are progressing rapidly, and the transformation is truly remarkable. We are in great shape, even...
Carta #20 | Letter #20 – Staffing for 24-25 May 1 update
Dear Futuro Verde parents and faculty, We share staffing updates for the 24-25 academic year as of May 1, 2024. This year was a great year in terms of labor retention, something that had been a significant challenge for Futuro Verde for many years....
Carta #19 – Crisis de Salud Mental en los niños | Children’s Mental Health Crisis
Estimados padres, Podría afirmarse que el deterioro de la salud mental de los niños constituye la crisis de salud más relevante de los últimos 20 años, con enormes costos para nuestra sociedad y un exceso de desdicha para los jóvenes. Se le han...
Carta #18: Reunión de Progreso con Padres – Febrero 2024 | Progress Meeting with Parents – February 2024
Estimados padres, La semana pasada completamos las reuniones de padres y HOS del tercer trimestre para discutir nuestro informe de progreso del semestre de otoño y explorar ideas, sugerencias e inquietudes de los padres. Nos reunimos durante...
Carta #17: Progreso del Primer Semestre | Letter #17: End of Semester Progress Report
Los invitamos a leer el reporte del progreso del 1er Semestre haciendo click aquí. ........................................................................... We invite you to read the 1st Semester progress report by clicking here.
Carta #16: Boletines de notas Semestre 1 | Letter #16: Parents and Students Report Cards Semester 1 / 2023-2024
Letter to parents and students re Report Cards Semester 1 - 2023-24 (español abajo) We are excited that today, we will share with all our academic results of the First Semester 2023-24. These grades provide a glimpse of the opportunities, the...
Carta #15: Llegada de la Orden CTIM | Letter #15: Arrival of STEM Order
Dear parents and faculty, As you know we obtained a $40,000 usd grant from a generous foreign donor that we earmarked for our science, math and our NEW environmental science programs. This is the largest investment in teaching and learning...
Carta #14: Cambios en Prepa y Primaria para el 2do semestre | Letter #14: Prepa and Primary changes for 2nd semester
(english version at the bottom) - Nov 27 / 2023 Estimados padres y profesores, Compartimos algunos cambios en el personal pedagógico y posiciones de Prepa (Pk3-Kinder) y Upper Primary (4to-5to): 1) La Prof. Stephanie Núñez estará con Futuro Verde...
Carta #13: Reorganización de nuestro programa de Matemáticas | Letter #13: Reorganization of our Math program
Dear Futuro Verde Parents and Faculty, I want to share with all the decisions we’ve made regarding the reorganization and staffing of the math program. beginning in Semester 2 (next semester). The changes we hope will strengthen the learning...
Carta #12: Reclutamiento exitoso de Profesora de Matemáticas para Secundaria – Daniela Sandi Castella | Letter #12: Successful High School Math Teacher Recruitment – Daniela Sandi Castella
Estimada Padres y Profesores de Futuro Verde, Me alegra anunciar que hemos reclutado con éxito a la Profesora Daniela Sandi Castella como profesora de matemáticas de secundaria. La Profesora Sandi viene con una licenciatura del programa de...
Summary of the Ordinary & Extraordinary Assembly
Dear families, Summary of the Ordinary & Extraordinary Assembly The extraordinary assembly meeting took place this past Tuesday, October 17th 2023 at 3 pm and the following items were presented: 1. Welcome - Jennifer Middleton (President)...
Carta #11: Mejoras en nuestro parque infantil Prepa y más juegos al aire libre en la naturaleza | Letter #11: Improvements to our Prepa Playground and more Outdoor Nature Play
Dear FV Faculty and Parents, This summer and first month of classes has seen significant improvements to our classrooms, green areas and play spaces. I will share with all weekly emails highlighting progress to celebrate and recognize our school...
Carta #10: Formas de tratar los piojos | Letter #10: Ways to Treat Lice
Dear Parents and Professors, In a rutinary spot check we counted 9 cases of lice/lice eggs in 5th grade and 3-4 in grades 1, 2 and 3rd grade. This is a normal and common occurrence in schools. It is unrelated to school or family hygiene. We want to...
Carta #9: Día de las Culturas | Letter #9: Cultural Day 2023
Queridos profesores, estudiantes y padres, Quiero felicitar a todos por el hermoso reconocimiento a nuestra diversidad y cómo nos enriquece, que el evento toda escuela que hoy representó. Junto con el Día de la Independencia, también ejemplar, así...