by Angie Briceño | Mar 29, 2020

Futuro Verde has an amazing and unique bilingual program. As the language specialist at our school, I get to work with students in all stages of development of both Spanish and English, from pre-K to 12th grade. In addition to receiving instruction in both languages throughout the day, language development has several layers here at Futuro Verde. The base layer that all students receive is a course in which they study multilingual and multicultural themes. This course, called Comparative Language Study at the elementary level and World Languages for our middle-schoolers, also helps students develop important language-learning strategies such as identifying cognates (words that sound or look the same in two or more languages), or using prefixes to infer meaning. The second layer of our language development program involves supporting specific groups of students who could benefit from extra instruction in either Spanish or English.

So what do both components of our bilingual program look like during online learning?
Delivering language support virtually can be a challenge, but we are finding ways to help language learners at all levels! Our Comparative Language Study course continues with online mini-lessons that I record myself teaching (for the younger grades) and assign independent work for (in the case of upper elementary). I have also been working with CREW teachers and other specialist teachers to have instructions for all assignments translated so that students and families understand how to complete each task. Additionally, we have provided video supports and modified assignments as added help for certain grade levels and assignments, not only to explain instructions more thoroughly or to guide students in completing certain tasks, but also to adapt the assignments to the needs of language learners. Videos are key here, so that we can convey meaning and content through gestures, images, objects, etc.
Parents, please feel free to reach out if your child is having difficulty understanding their assignments at
Online Special Education Support
by Alannah Anglin
Futuro Verde is lucky to have a multicultural and multilingual student population. The Support Team focuses on serving the population in a multidisciplinary manner, guiding and supporting students from preschool through twelfth grade through three different but related approaches: social, emotional and academic. Since our learning has taken a temporary turn towards virtual learning, the team has taken on the task of continuing to support students, working together with both teachers and parents. We have taken the following initiatives:

Create set schedules for online learning, seeking to bring balance, well-being, family cohesion and academic structure to homes.
Proposed Online Learning Schedule for PreK – 2nd grade
Proposed Online Learning Schedule for 3rd – 6th grade
Create virtual support ¨chats¨ in Seesaw or Hangouts, where we seek to maintain immediate communication with students and parents or guardians who wish to do so; providing guidance and answering any questions about the assigned activities.
Keep in touch with parents about their children’s progress, making sure to provide the support required by the students to facilitate the understanding and performance of the activities.
We have continued to give the Writing and Reading Workshops, taking into account the needs and objectives of each individual student.
by Alejandro Ramírez | Mar 28, 2020
More to the point, this is to say that the pandemia has affected us in all aspects of our lives. The sports program has been no exception. However, I am hopeful that when we return to normal classes we will return to our normally programmed events planned. These events consist of the school wide Chess Tournament and Swimming event. Both events will be reprogrammed once we return to normal classes.
Meanwhile the Physical Education Department works to be creative and to help our students maintain a balance in their lives. Through the implementation of online classes we have been able to follow normal Physical Education schedules sent to each student with concepts, routines, activities, games and exercises to do at home. Like all unexpected situations, teaching virtually in Physical Eduction has been a big challenge. Nevertheless, we believe in the importance of students disconnecting from screens and exercising to maintain a en emotional balance and be physically active in their lives. We encourage your patience and understanding while we grow and innovate during this new modality of teaching.
We thank families for all the support that you are providing to your children. We invite you to get involved in these activities assigned to the students and to contact us if you have any doubt, suggestion or question..
by Lural Ramirez | Mar 26, 2020

At Futuro Verde there are six formal grade reporting periods. These grading periods are divided into three trimesters with a formal report card at the end of each trimester and a midterm report sent home 6 to 7 weeks into each trimester. All grade reports are completed collaboratively by all teachers who work with each student and they are intended to inform parents of their child’s progress academically as well as to comment on progress in skills related to social-emotional development and self-management. This year, midterm reports were emailed to parents as the date for parent receipt of midterms coincided with our transition to an online learning program model as a part of our COVID-19 protocol.
As a parent, it is best to use midterm reports in the following ways:
- Understand how your child is evolving and progressing academically. What academic areas are strengths for your child? Is your child struggling in any way academically?
- Understand the specifics related to your child’s social-emotional development. Is your child relating well to others? Are they demonstrating pro-social behaviors with peers and adults?
- Is your child organized, independent in their study habits and able to self-manage? This will often show up as a comment in regards to turning in assignments or as a general comment from teachers.
What should you do with what the midterm tells you?
- If your child is struggling academically please schedule a meeting as soon as possible with the subject teacher, CREW teacher or the academic or assistant director. Now is the time to act and to intervene to help your child get back on track!
Even though we are in an online learning program right now, you can still schedule a Zoom or Skype meeting with school staff. To do so, simply email the teacher or administrator you would like to speak with.
- If your child is having any social or emotional struggles, please request a meeting with the school psychologist, Massiel, in order to make a plan for support and intervention. Social-emotional development and care is essential to development and learning and must be prioritized if your child has needs in this area.
Again, even though we are in an online learning program right now, you can still schedule a Zoom or Skype meeting with Massiel. To do so, simply email her to set up a time to talk.
- If you are seeing that your child is not progressing along recommended developmental processes related to independence and self-management, please make sure to identify this need and address it. Our goal as parents are to support our children in becoming independent and functional citizens who are positive contributors to society. This development happens little by little over the years and delays in development should be addressed immediately in order to help children be successful at all ages and stages.
As we are in the midst of online learning as we speak, it is ever more clear that it takes a village to raise a child and the triangular support system of school, parents and student must work in close unison for optimal development and growth over time! Thank you for supporting your child while they complete their social distancing and school work from home and thank you for consistently working in conjunction with our school to help your child reach his/her fullest potential!
by Khalida Lockheed | Mar 25, 2020

It has become a tradition in June for Futuro Verde students (and oftentimes staff) to wow audiences with a variety of talents in our annual Futuro Verde’s Got Talent Show – and this year will be no different! Plans are still underway to gather together to celebrate the Literary, Musical, and Visual Arts on June 12th for an arts extravaganza!
Normally, we would be announcing dates for auditions and groups of students would begin the process of practicing dance moves or songs. This year, however, is not turning out to be exactly normal. No matter! Bored at home in quarantine? Use the time to work on an artwork to display, or practice a musical or dance number to perform, write a short story or poem to submit. You can collaborate virtually with friends, too, using Hangouts, FaceTime, WhatsApp, etc. And, you have the time now!
We hope to conduct auditions in late April after we return to in-person classes and will update you as we have the specific information. In the meantime, practice those moves, work on that story, create that masterpiece, and wonder to yourself: “What will the teachers do this year?” Hmmm….
by Noelia | Feb 23, 2020

At Futuro Verde we provide a holistic education that spans many important educational areas, and sports, recreation and physical education are no exception. We believe that sports activities promote an ideal student life environment for developing life skills. As in previous years, during this new school year we will continue to offer a wide variety of opportunities to our students and our community. Some of these include our second annual chess tournament which will be held in March. We will continue with our first annual swimming tournament which will be held in May. In the second trimester we will hold our traditional volleyball tournament and end our school year with the most anticipated event of the year, our fourth annual Futuro Verde Trail Fun Run 2020.
In addition to these sporting events, we will continue training student athletes to compete in the Ministry of Public Education’s Student Games. Specifically, we will be forming teams to participate in swimming, chess, cross-country, volleyball and beach volleyball.
As you can see we will have a full year of extracurricular activities for the students.
If you would like more information on how your student can join one of the competitive teams or if you would like to get involved as a coach or participant, don’t hesitate to write to me at
by Lural Ramirez | Feb 5, 2020

Each year Futuro Verde holds Back to School Night, an event that is full of activities and opportunities related to your child’s education!
During Back to School Night, to be held on Wednesday, March 4th, families and teachers have time to meet, students share their classrooms and learning spaces, and they walk their parents through some of their daily experiences at Futuro Verde. Specifically, families can get to know the school curriculum, assessment, classroom procedures, grade level expectations, and learn about field trips and events available at each grade level or within each subject area. There will also be time for families to tour the school, to meet and speak with specialists and to get to know teachers who work with their son/daughter in each of the distinct subject areas.
This year, as is our Futuro Verde tradition, parents can literally come “Back to School” with us by attending any of the four parent workshops that will be offered this year prior to our main event!

Parent workshops
IB at FV
- 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm- Art and Biology classes will be open to parent observers in IB classroom
- 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm- IB Dreaming of University – High School Alternative Pathways at FV in Bio Lab
College Counseling for Middle and High School Students (especially geared toward parents of 7th-10th graders) (location TBD
- 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm- Come take the College Counseling class along with the 10th, 11th and 12th graders. This class is open to any parent interested in learning more about this new course at FV!
Effective Parenting Strategies with our School Psychologist, Massiel Arroyo (in primary library)
- 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm- For parents of children ages birth to 9
- 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm- For parents of preadolescents and adolescents ages 10-18
Technology Help! Classroom, Google for Education, Turnitin, EBSCO ( in the computer lab)
- 1:00 – 3:00- Our librarian and IT assistant is here to help you with any of your questions and technical needs with any of the technology your children use at FV!
- 1:00 – 2:00 Presentation on Turnitin and EBSCO (programs to prevent plagiarism and to support effective research)
- 2:00 – 3:00 Open access time for any and all tech needs. Any and all questions and needs are welcome!
General Whole School Meeting with the School Director, Lural Ramirez – 2020 at Futuro Verde!
Back to School Night Classroom Visits – Visit your child’s teachers and classes!
Mark your calendars now for the afternoon of March 4th and don’t miss this fun-filled afternoon at Futuro Verde!