by Katie Chiaverini | Jul 23, 2018
Marque sus calendarios, las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes se realizarán el 10 de septiembre de 2018. Planifique que su hijo esté presente para dirigir la conferencia. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una parte integral de la cultura de Futuro Verde y tienen muchos beneficios tanto para los padres como para los estudiantes.
Como padres, su papel en la conferencia es escuchar a su hijo(a) mientras explica sus éxitos, crecimiento, reflexiones y metas para el futuro. Luego, también es importante que le comparta sus observaciones sobre las áreas de crecimiento que ha visto y desea que logre.
El papel del estudiante es expresar su propio crecimiento dentro del proceso de aprendizaje a través de muestras de trabajo, reflexiones y la formulación de metas. Esperamos que los estudiantes compartan su información de manera organizada, sean buenos comunicadores y puedan responder a sus preguntas a medida que surjan para aclarar su aprendizaje.
A diferencia de las conferencias entre padres y maestros, el papel del docente es principalmente ayudar a facilitar la conferencia, con el estudiante como líder. Los maestros guiarán a los estudiantes a través del proceso de reflexión a medida que se preparan para compartir su aprendizaje en este formato específico. Debido a que desempeñan un papel más pasivo en este tipo de conferencias, es posible que el docente facilite varias conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes a la vez.
En Futuro Verde, nos esforzamos para que nuestros estudiantes se conviertan en pensadores críticos, comunicadores efectivos, independientes y reflexivos. La investigación señala que las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una forma de involucrar activamente a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje y brindarles oportunidades para desarrollar los rasgos mencionados anteriormente. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes también les permiten a los padres jugar un papel más activo en la educación de sus hijos, ofreciendo tiempo y espacio para compartir el aprendizaje y hacer preguntas aclaratorias. Futuro Verde les da la bienvenida a todas las familias a participar en este día especial compartiendo los logros y las oportunidades de crecimiento de su estudiante.
by Elian Gonzalez | May 24, 2018

Before getting to the States I had imagined it as a totally different place than that I experienced. I thought it would feel like a different world, but it did not. When we came out of the airport I was thinking only one thing, “How come it still feels like the same world?”. I was expecting to feel a rush of excitement as soon as I arrived but it wasn’t happening (I guess the only way to feel out of this world is going to outer space). New York wasn’t exactly what I had imagined, the buildings weren’t that impressive and there were trees! However; that is not a surprise since I was in New Jersey. I hadn’t realized that yet.
Throughout the whole trip, I was amazed by how many immigrants there were. Everywhere, in shops, the streets, restaurants, New Jersey or New York, there were so many immigrants, so many that it doesn’t feel so much like the USA but a place that belonged to nowhere, no one. As opposed to Costa Rica where one would only see diversity in tourist areas, there you would see people from all over the world as you walk down the streets.
Oh, and by the way, it is not walk down the streets but rather run down the streets. As Costa Ricans, I think Mateo and I could really feel how New Yorkers are always in a rush. Costa Ricans move slow. It is a generalization, but myths always have a little bit of truth. We all know about ‘Tico time’, we don’t have the culture of always being punctual, whereas, Americans are very punctual, and in the streets of New York you have to rush if you want to get somewhere on time. Everything is so much faster, one would rush through the overwhelming amount of people who are also in a rush, stopping a moment to tie your shoes could be a terrible decision since it takes just a few seconds to lose sight of someone in the Big Apple.
In life we need new experiences, something to keep us going. We need new things to stay excited about what is coming next. However, if too many new experiences come over and over, non-stop, we lose our ability to be amazed. The latter is the case for lots of people in and around Manhattan. From a guy walking around with a lizard on his shoulder to a model filming an ad in the streets; the most crazy scenarios you could imagine didn’t even make locals look twice.
Manhattan has so many people from all over that one could stay there for months without being able to see all of its culture. Manhattan is full of things to see and you don’t have to go any further than the street to see them.
by Angie Briceño | Apr 29, 2018

On April 23rd, we celebrated Earth Day at Futuro Verde with costumes, activities and workshops. Thanks to the collaboration of students, parents and friends, Refugio Romelia, Cabo Blanco Reserva Absoluta and ASVO achieved the first, second and third place respectively, reaching 1,000 dollars raised before the closing date of the competition, April 27th.
It is with great enthusiasm that we share with you how the beneficiary organizations will use the funds raised at Futuro Verde:
Refugio Romelia can now afford to remunerate the volunteer coordinator for the coming turtle season, starting in June and ending in January. Refugio Romelia coordinators are interns graduated in Biology or a related field of studies who have had previous experiences with turtles. They travel to Refugio Romelia as volunteers from other countries and receive $ 200 per month as a token of appreciation for their work protecting the species.
The funds raised for Cabo Blanco Reserva Absoluta will go towards repairing the public trail bridge and hosting ecological camps on site.
ASVO will use the donation to repair and finish the turtle hatchery, which is very important because it provides a safe and comfortable place where volunteers perform their duties and which serves as a patrol headquarters, both at night and during the day. They will also purchase research and environmental education materials.
The rest of the donations will go towards the Futuro Verde multipurpose sports field fund. Thanks to the initiative of our fourth grade student Margaret Holland and her companions Sofía Morales and Naomy Delgado, we will be able to sterilize and provide a better quality of life to our two school cats.
We thank all the people who supported both the students and the organizations.
by Noelia | Aug 23, 2017

by Kira Patterson and Alessia Soares, 10th grade.
In the Southern Nicoya Peninsula, we are surrounded by nature and happy people. How do we keep our community so pure? We care for our community and all try to step in and help in some way. For example, by organising beach clean ups, like we’ve been doing in Futuro Verde for the last few years. Most of us enjoy going to the beach in our free time and like it to be a clean environment for children to play in and a safe one for the local wildlife. Another example is the current recycling campaign in Montezuma where local people are getting involved. In Santa Teresa, there are many kids who don’t have the privilege of easy access to a surfboard or have the money to enter a local surf contest. Maykol Alarcon felt the need to make a difference, and takes a dozen local children surfing in Playa Hermosa every Saturday, along with volunteers from Jakera surf camp. This gives the children the opportunity to do one of the few sports that can be done in the community. He is also planning on extending this project by organising surf contests where they provide the competitors with a board and the subscription fee is free. Thanks to the people that organise all these events and initiatives, we are a community that shows empathy, compassion, and respects the needs and feelings of others.
by Noelia | May 9, 2017

The Students Global Awareness Committee (S.G.A.C) is a non-profit small committee striving to make a change. We are five girls, Maya Reolon, Soleil Michaud, Emma Rupert, Ariadna Lopez, and Georgia Udall, who are well aware that one person can make a change. Our goal is to raise money for global, national and local crisis. This month’s focus is on the crisis happening in Syria that has been going on everyday for 6 years now. Each month we will focus on a different objective, with the exception that we don’t raise enough money at the end of the month, our main focus will be to reach the amount necessary. To reach this, we will not be sitting on our bums doing nothing expecting the money to show up, we will work our way up until we have what we need to fulfill our month’s purpose. For those who want to help a cause of their choice will find the boxes at the front office as they enter the school. Always remember, a dollar can change a life.
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”-George Bernard Shaw.