by Lural Ramirez | Apr 1, 2016

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.”
– John Dewey
The promise at Futuro Verde is that of a progressive education. Our teachers’ commitment can be seen each and every day and the effect of that commitment is perhaps best reflected in the words of a new local student to our school whom, at the end of his first day at Futuro Verde exclaimed joyously, “…this has been the best day of school in my whole life!”
Our community is more diverse every day, with 27 countries of origin represented at Futuro Verde this year and 8 different native languages spoken at home. In our global school, with our roots firmly in our local community and with an open mind toward the rest of the world, we actively promote tolerance of differences. We strive to achieve incredible dreams- the construction of our new school building, achievement of verification as an IB World School* and teaching and learning from day to day that inspires our students and guides them toward an innovative future.
Your children work hard each day, but, what have you done lately to learn more about our school? How have you become involved? If you would like to return to school, becoming newly inspired by our educational model and actively participate in an exchange of knowledge, sign-up now for our International BHS Conference. Local, national and international experts will share their knowledge during our event. Sessions will include topics on sustainability, holistic learning and multilingual development. With sessions in English and in Spanish, there is something for everyone! There is no better way to support our school while joining an international community of educators and lovers of education.
Become an active part of our paradigm change, remembering that you are also a teacher, since we know that “home is the first school and parents are the first teachers”.
Futuro Verde
Inspiration. Dedication. Innovation.
by Lural Ramirez | Feb 20, 2016

Welcome, families and students, to what is going to be an unforgettable and inspiring school year!
We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated and diverse group of educators and support staff who are prepared and motivated to assure that every child receives holistic learning opportunities, a safe space to explore and grow and an innovative educational environment.
Families come to Futuro Verde for many reasons: quality, rigor, fun, the art, sports, balance, peace, language (we teach 3!), a solid base for a successful life beyond primary and secondary years, a grounding in sustainable practices and many, many more excellent motivators! What brings you to Futuro Verde this year? What hopes and dreams do you have for your child and for the school year to come? Please let us know! When we work together we can achieve amazing things!
We hope one of your goals as parents this year is to be even more engaged in your child’s education and to help your child engage more in school life. For the parents, we have several opportunities to play a larger role in your child’s life at Futuro Verde:
align your home practices to FV’s sustainability initiatives. Consider sorting your recyclables, actively eliminating mosquito habitat in the home or improving home eating habits to include more local or pesticide free food options.
make a commitment to come to all school activities and meetings. There are so many ways to stay involved and informed. Come to Back to School Night, conferences, assembly meetings, and school fundraisers and show your Futuro Verde pride!
reach out to your friends and family and encourage them to support our Capital Campaign which will help build the first sustainable school in Costa Rica. Imagine the amazing education your child currently receives, but in state of the art and ecologically mindful facilities!
For students, we remind you of the following student life activities throughout the year:
The Arts: start thinking now about your Student Arts Festival submission or your ACEP painting
Sports: this is the year to try out for the Swim, Beach Volleyball, Track and Field or Cross Country. Speak with Alejandro, FV’s athletic director, for more information on teams we offer.
Music: remember that if you love your music classes, you can perfect your skills further by joining our partner, The Escuela de Musica de Cobano’s, weekend music school. This could be your year to start mastering your musical skills!
After school clubs: Whether it is homework and tutoring or exploring a passion, FV clubs offer great after school fun. Start off the year by choosing between: art, puppetry, tutoring or gymnastics. Guitar, ukulele, basketball and other new clubs will join the schedule next trimester.
Student government: A renewed Social Studies curriculum will offer exciting student leadership opportunities at most grade levels. Bring your great ideas and help make a difference in your school!
I send you deep appreciation for your confidence in us as a school and your preference for Futuro Verde! We are an amazing mix of families, students and staff from all over the peninsula and all over the world. Please appreciate and enjoy the enrichment that Futuro Verde has to offer and thank you- we appreciate your efforts to support our bilingual international and non-profit school project!
Lural Ramírez
Futuro Verde
Inspiration. Dedication. Innovation.
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 20, 2016

Every month Futuro Verde focuses on one of the values or elements of our learner profile. The first month of the school year sees a focus on risk-takers, while in March we will turn our attention to inquirers. These descriptors are often taken in isolation, but very often a student will display these in combination – inquirers can be risk-takers.
Inquirers are curious, they ask questions and love to find things out. A survey by British retailer, Littlewoods, showed what most parents of young children know. They ask a lot of questions – four year old girls asking the most at nearly 400 questions a day!(1) What was noticeable from the results was that the number of questions asked per day by children decreased drastically as they matured. In his Ted Talk, Do schools kill creativity?, Ken Robinson discusses how young children aren’t afraid to have a go, take a risk, ask questions and be creative. Importantly he goes on to comment that as children grow to be adults they lose that ability to take a chance and risk being wrong(2).
There are probably many different reasons children ask fewer questions as they mature, but traditional education may be to blame. Traditionally we don’t teach students how to ask questions, questioning is the teacher’s job and students are there to provide answers. Asking questions can also be seen as a lack of knowledge and a sign of weakness. Students don’t like to admit that they don’t know things. Why risk being ridiculed by your classmates?
What can parents and teachers do to make sure their students maintain and develop their childhood curiosity? Parents, it’s easier said than done, but: be interested in your child’s questions; answer them whenever you can; if you don’t know the answer, help them research. Nurture your child’s natural-born questioning skills. Teachers, some personal reflection might be needed. Who is asking all the questions in your classroom? A shift might be needed from where the lecturer asks the questions and delivers the information, to where you as the coach/facilitator assists the students in their own, individual lines of inquiry. Teach questioning skills. Don’t assume students know how to form open or closed questions. Finally, evaluate your classroom culture; is it a safe place for students to take a risk and ask questions? Some classroom rules and expectations might be needed.
Our learner profile expects our students to be inquirers and risk-takers, but they need parent and teacher support to be successful.
(1) “Why Is Water Wet?” Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 28 Mar. 2013. Web. Retrieved 03 Feb. 2016. 70 MKW20130328.
(2) “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” Ken Robinson:. Feb. 2006. Web. Retrieved 03 Feb. 2016.
Burger, W. “5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners.” Edutopia. 2014. Web. Retrieved 03 Feb. 2016.
Burger, W. “How Can We Teach Kids to Question?” A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger. 2014. Web. Retrieved 03 Feb. 2016.
by Noelia | Feb 20, 2016

We are happy to introduce you to Daniel Saez, our new School Finance Officer.
Daniel was born in Bogota Colombia but thanks to his father’s job he lived in Washington D.C. and Santiago, Chile. For college he went to McGill University in Montreal, Canada where he majored in Economics.
Upon completing his studies he returned to his parent’s home country of Chile to work in the field of Control Management and Corporate Finance.
At the beginning of 2015 Daniel discovered a passion for education and left his job as Finance Manager at a Infrastructure Investment firm to obtain his teaching certification and gain some experience in teaching. He is currently in the middle of his teaching certification program.
Daniel is excited to be able to use his financial expertise to help Futuro Verde become a more financially sound school while being able to share and learn from students. parents and teachers.
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 20, 2016

The Role of Parents and Guardians
Through inquiry and critical thinking, Futuro Verde students develop their knowledge. They produce authentic work in the form of presentations, projects and written assignments to further solidify and demonstrate this knowledge. Inspired by the International Baccalaureate (IB) application process, as well as our values and learner profile, Futuro Verde is focusing on academic honesty.
Academic honesty occurs where principled learners, acting with integrity, honesty and respect for others, produce authentic work which properly acknowledges their sources and the intellectual property of others. Put simply – students produce work based on their own ideas, using their own words. Where they do not use all their own ideas and words they must properly show the source of their content.
Parents play a major role in ensuring that their students are academically honest and produce authentic work. Think about the example you are setting and remember that it is best if good habits start early! We often see cheap DVDs for sale in the street – buy them and you are supporting the theft of intellectual property. Suggesting your child copy from a book or website to help them get the project they left to the night before finished? Plagiarism. Writing some words on their project for them, drawing part of their art project? Collusion. Be careful that parent/guardian help does not go too far and become doing. If your student appears to need that much help then perhaps they are attempting something they are not yet ready for? Help them by trying to simplify the task. Instill and develop positive and honest study skills in your children: remind them to put the information in their own words; encourage them to keep a list of the websites they visit during the research phase; suggest they use an online plagiarism checker (links in the student planner). If your elementary student asks you to be too involved, or if you see your secondary student using copy and paste, maybe gently ask, “Are you going to put your name on that project? Only your name? Then it should only be your own work.”
Information regarding the school academic honesty policy can be found in the school handbook, along with some helpful hints and reminders in the student planners. In addition, teachers will provide continuous coaching and support to ensure student success.
by Alejandro Ramírez | Feb 20, 2016

The Athletic Department, focused on Sport and Recreation at Futuro Verde, sends warm regards and welcomes you to the 2016 school year.
Mr. Alejandro Ramirez Urias, Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports Science and Master in Teaching and Bilingual Education, will be responsible for leading this important area of education. He is honored to be part of the education of your children and is confident we will have a year full of achievements.
As a part of the regular athletic education classes, this year all Futuro Verde students will have swimming lessons. Both swimming and physical education are within the curriculum, so all students must participate.
Below you find what students need for class and for sports teams.
Swim Lessons
- Swim suit (women one piece)
- Towel
- Sandals or flip flops
- Googles for water
- Plastic bag for wet clothes
- Water bottle
- Earplugs (optional)
Physical education
- FV physical education full uniform
- Sports shoes
- Water bottle
Sport teams (Must be selected)
- Swimming
- Track and field
- Cross country
- Beach volleyball
As you can see, this will be a year with many activities and opportunities to keep our kids active. Stay tuned because, in due time, we will send more detailed information on each event and opportunity that arises.