by Lural Ramirez | Feb 2, 2018

Did you know that parents and students are expected to review the school handbook each year?
From year to year, we make important adjustments to aspects of the school handbook that need to be improved for clarity or due to policy changes. Please open the link below to access the full handbook and please notify me if you have any questions or concerns related to the content within.
The following parts of the handbook are of special importance to review as changes have been made in these areas, among others:
- Calendar and General Schedule
- Student Departure From School Grounds
- Uniform
- Attendance/Tardies
- Assessment Policy
- Report Cards/Conferences
Thank you for taking the time to review the handbook and to understand our whole school policies!
Handbook 2018 – Click to download
Inspiration. Dedication. Innovation
by Alejandro Ramírez | Jan 31, 2018

Greetings from the Physical Education, Sports and Recreation Department! I hope you have enjoyed your vacation and that both students and the entire community are ready to start the 2018 school year. This year, we will continue to strengthen our department with institutional activities, as well as participation in different sporting events at the circuital, regional and national levels. Among the sports that we will be promoting, cross country, running and jumping events, swimming, kickball and volleyball stand out. At the beginning of each trimester, you will find out how to try out for the teams and learn about the different school-wide events and tournaments.
As in previous years, we will continue our activities based on the philosophy of developing programs and events where inclusion, recreation, passion for physical activity and fair play are our main objectives. Our mission in Futuro Verde is to plan and carry out sports and recreational activities that cover a wide range of tastes and preferences. In this way, all students will enjoy the opportunity to get involved in some type of physical activity.
We´re expecting you on February 1st with our arms and doors wide open!
See you soon!
by Lural Ramirez | Jan 24, 2018

2018 is a year of strong retention from the 2017 school year at Futuro Verde! With only two new staff members joining of our team of committed and passionate educators we give a warm welcome to our new staff.
Eugenia Allen, middle school science, health, french and sports teacher
Eugenia was born and raised in San José, Costa Rica. She graduated from high school with an IB diploma, making her uniquely qualified to understand the student experience in an IB World School! Eugenia’s love for nature led her to study biology at the University of Costa Rica. She then worked as a science teacher at a bilingual school in San José. For years, Eugenia was a part of the Costa Rican national team, representing in Tennis and Track and Field. At the start of 2017, Eugenia moved with her husband and two sons to the Nicoya peninsula seeking a new way of life for herself and her family. She is overjoyed to become a staff member at Futuro Verde and excited for the opportunity to help impact the lives of students and to develop in them the critical thinking skills needed to achieve their personal goals. In her free time, Eugenia likes to run, ride her mountain bike and go on fun trips with her family.
Andrew Robey, 5th and 6th grade English subjects teacher
Andrew is from the southwest of the U.K and was born and raised by a beach, which has shaped his love for the natural world and sports. He was involved in a lot of sports coaching from a young age, the enjoyment he gained through coaching led him to complete further educational training. He has a first class honours in Sports Performance and Coaching and a Post Graduate Diploma in primary Education from Exeter University. He is interested in sustainability and studied environmental science, completing a six month internship at the Green School in Bali where he helped to plan and implement project based learning initiatives focusing on sustainability. He is passionate about seeing people involved in learning applied to the real world and allowing a sense of autonomy and confidence to grow. He is very excited to come to Costa Rica, learn about the country, its culture and people. Andrew is a qualified beach lifeguard, surf instructor and surf life saving coach, so when not at school he will most likely be in the sea!.
by Lural Ramirez | Jan 24, 2018

Please note that Futuro Verde is changing to a later start time during the 2018 school year. School will now start at 8:00 am. Departure time each day continues to be 3:00 pm each day. Please adjust your family’s morning routine to assure that you are adequately prepared for this change. Other important considerations related to our 8 am start include the following:
- Teacher and administrative work days have shifted to 7 am to 3 pm. All teacher meetings will happen from 7 to 8 am, including any parent meetings needed. This change for staff allows us all consistent collaborative time and assures our staff enjoy a work/life balance with an afternoon free to enjoy personal health goals, hobbies , to coach sports teams or clubs, or in order to spend time with family and friends.
- The 10 minute homeroom time we used to have from 7:30-7:40 does not continue with our 8:00 start. Students need to report directly to their first class each day at 8:00 am and that teacher will take attendance. Being on time is important as instruction will begin in all classes at 8:00 on the dot, with no cushion built in for late arrival. Students who arrive after the 8 am morning bell will need to report to the office upon arrival as they will be marked absent by teachers, which will be modified to a tardy by our office staff once they have reported to the office before reporting to class.
- The bus companies that work with Futuro Verde families have been notified of our new start time. However, if you use the bus service, please assure that you have communicated with the company to fully understand any changes to pick-up times that may impact your family directly.
Please assure that one of your New Year’s Resolutions this year is perfect attendance (or near perfect attendance, in the case of an emergency or illness) for your child this year. Students who attend school daily and arrive on time, without missing out on instruction throughout the day and year, are shown to have better social-emotional skills and stronger academic abilities. Set good family routines at home that assure your child arrives on time each day!
Thank you!
Lural Ramirez
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Jan 20, 2018

The start of every school year brings some new things to get excited about, and this year is no different!
Middle and high school students in grades 7-10 will be offered greater choice than ever before in the areas of physical education, the arts, and a third language.
Just some of the highlights include:
- Visual arts and music electives will be offered on a semester basis. This will allow students more hours per week to focus on the visual arts or music course they are taking. As they move up the grades, students will be able to select visual art or music courses that interest them, depending on availability and space.
- All 7th-grade students will embark on a Classical Languages course with Don Byrne, while students in 8th and 9th grades will be given the option of studying Classical Languages with Oscar Leal Méndez or French with Eugenia Allen. It is worth noting that French is for students who are new to or have little experience with the language. It is not designed for those who are already advanced or native speakers.
- Athletic director Alejandro Ramírez, with the support of Eugenia Allen, will be incorporating more options and choice, while still focusing on a core offering for all students. The list of choices for the entire year is yet to be finalized but the first choice will be between swimming and mountain biking.
We are excited to bring even more to our holistic offering at Futuro Verde. As the school year starts, students will hear much more about our offering of electives. Make sure you ask your middle or high school student what fun and exciting things they are up to!
by David Brookshire, MPH/ School Counselor & Special Education Case Manager | Jan 19, 2018

As we enter the new school year, we begin to shift our mindsets as we return to a regular schedule. With new experiences and expectations on the horizon, it can be helpful to embrace some routines at home for added structure and peace of mind. With a few basic practices, routines can help the whole family. A routine is simply a sequence of actions followed regularly that helps everyone know who should do what, when, in what order, and how often.
Examples of Routines
- Morning: To prepare for coming back to school, it is beneficial to begin waking up at a regular time each day. This helps our bodies establish a natural rhythm that makes it easier to adjust once the school year begins. By getting in the habit of waking up at a certain time, getting ready for the day, and eating breakfast, etc., we adapt to change with more ease and less stress.
- Afternoon: Getting in the habit of what happens after school can also provide ease to the flow of the afternoon. Having a snack, doing some homework, or finishing chores are all examples of ways to establish structure in the afternoon.
- Evening: By having dinner together as a family, we strengthen family relationships and provide a space for bonding. Also, with a regular bedtime and set of tasks for getting ready for bed, it’s easy to know what to expect and can provide cues for a body and brain that it’s time to begin resting. Practicing this regularly makes it easier to avoid stress and conflict when we begin a new school schedule. Getting enough sleep becomes a priority so we can be our best during the day.
Benefits of Routines
- Safety and Predictability: An organized schedule provides children with a sense of safety because it is easy to know what to expect. The predictability of routines reduces stress and takes the guesswork out of getting ready.
- Sense of Responsibility: When children know what is expected and practice it regularly a sense of responsibility is gained that can boost confidence and make it easier for them to take safe, healthy risks as they face daily challenges.
- Efficient Time Management: By establishing regular routines and making them a habit, we save time and allow space in our schedule for other activities.
When routines are established and practiced regularly we, as parents, feel good about providing our kids with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. We save time, avoid conflict, and strengthen family bonds. This helps all of us make the transition as we enter the new year.