Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day!

Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day, usually with dinner, gifts and flowers. In Costa Rica, this celebration takes extraordinary dimensions. Mothers are honored with a big party full of delicious typical foods, handwritten cards by their children, music, gifts and, of course, lots of love and joy.

Mother’s Day in Costa Rica is celebrated every year on August 15th. While there are several versions of how this tradition began, all agree that the official date was in 1932, when a decree was issued marking this day as a holiday and stipulating its celebration in schools, institutions and nursing homes, as well as in every Costa Rican home.

We surveyed our students about what they like most about their mothers. The vast majority responded without hesitation:

  • “That she always takes care of me and worries about me”
  • “That she cooks the most delicious meals”
  • “That she always supports me and gives me the best advice”

Mothers would give anything for their children, they cook, wash, iron, are counselors, judges, drivers, trainers, nurses, administrators, and so much more.

To all Mothers, whether by nature or choice, woman or man, who assume this role 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and whom silently and without realizing vowed to protect their child from the moment it was born. To you, Happy Mother’s Day!

Prom 2018

Prom 2018

Futuro Verde teaches students to appreciate their surroundings and to make the best of jungle life! This school year a committee of teachers and students have been tasked with the challenge of organizing a chaperoned, formal school dance, called prom, for our eldest high school students (9th -11th graders). This formal dance will start a new school tradition of a formal dance to be held toward the end of each school year. The prom committee has worked all year to make this event a success and raise the funds needed by October, in time for the prom in November. The efforts so far have been focused on fundraising money to buy the food, drinks, and to pay for the DJ and also have focused on organizing the logistics of the event. This year’s prom will be especially important because our school is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Holding a formal dance is a special way of commemorating this exciting anniversary.

For those of you unfamiliar with the American tradition of prom, it is a magical night and a part of many high school traditions around the world. We want our school to join in this tradition as a way of creating lasting memories for our high school students. As the dance is a chaperoned event, it is a safe and fun way to socialize, dance and create lasting high school memories!

We would appreciate any and all support we can get for our prom. There will be a couple of activities held to support our fundraising goals. The first event our committee is holding is a Date Night to be held in two locations, Cobano and Mal Pais, on August 17th. This initial fundraiser is a great way for dads to celebrate moms after Mother’s Day, with a romantic night out together while your kids are cared for by responsible high school students and adult chaperones.

Thank you for your support and see you at Date Night on August 17th!

Our Music Program at a Glance

Our Music Program at a Glance

I would like to take this opportunity to greet you and explain what will be happening in our music classes during this second half of the school year. First of all, I would like to share with you that you have exceeded my expectations! The FV community is excellent and I have felt right at home from the start. The students are willing and able to continue learning and we will try to make the transition to a new teacher as smooth and subtle as possible.

Broadly speaking, the methodology we will be applying in music class is active, flexible and, where possible, individualized and based on games and experiments, especially in preschool and primary.

We seek to develop musical sensitivity and awaken students’ interest in music from an early age. Preschool and primary students will learn some of the basic elements of music such as rhythm and melody using various methodologies (Kodaly, Willems, Orff, for instance). In all of the sessions we will try to combine and cover song, movement, rhythm, creation, and introduction to small percussion.

Primary students will continue to experience music in an active way and once they begin to internalize it, we will also introduce some more theoretical concepts.

In the middle years, the subject will be divided more clearly into several blocks: Music Theory and Practice (Solfeo and History of Music), Composition and Musical Creation (introduction to creation and musical notation softwares) and Band Music. We will continue focusing on the students´ interests and experimentation, leaving ample room for improvisation and creativity.

The two years of the Diploma Program are the culmination of musical studies at the school and will involve working on aspects of composition, interpretation and critical analysis of music, exposing students to the shapes, styles and functions of music in different historical and sociocultural contexts.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, I would love to hear from you!

Student-led Conferences

Student-led Conferences

Mark your calendars, student-led conferences are coming up on September 10, 2018. Please plan on having your child present to lead the conference. Student-led conferences are an integral part of the Futuro Verde culture and have many different benefits for both parents and students alike.

As parents, your role in the conference is to listen to your child as they explain their successes, growths, reflections, and goals for the future.  Then, it is also important for you to give your child feedback on areas of growth that you have seen and wish that you would like to see them accomplish.

The student’s role is to be able to express their own growth within the learning process through work samples, reflections, and goal setting. We expect students to share their information in an organized manner, be good communicators, and be able to answer your questions as they arise to better explain their learning.

Different from parent-teacher conferences, the teacher’s role is mainly to help facilitate the conference, with the student as the leader. Teachers will guide students through the reflection process as they prepare to share their learning in this specific format. Because they play a more passive role in this type of conference, you might find that the teacher will facilitate several student-led conferences at once.  

At Futuro Verde, we strive for our students to be critical thinkers, effective communicators, independent, and reflective. Research shows that student-led conferences are one way to actively engage students in the learning process and provide them opportunities to develop the aforementioned traits. Student-led conferences also allow parents to play a more active role in their child’s education by offering the time and space to share learning and ask clarifying questions. Futuro Verde welcomes all families to take part in this special day to share glows and grows of each and every student.

Student-led Conferences

Conferencias guiadas por los estudiantes

Marque sus calendarios, las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes se realizarán el 10 de septiembre de 2018. Planifique que su hijo esté presente para dirigir la conferencia. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una parte integral de la cultura de Futuro Verde y tienen muchos beneficios tanto para los padres como para los estudiantes.

Como padres, su papel en la conferencia es escuchar a su hijo(a) mientras explica sus éxitos, crecimiento, reflexiones y metas para el futuro. Luego, también es importante que le comparta sus observaciones sobre las áreas de crecimiento que ha visto y desea que logre.

El papel del estudiante es expresar su propio crecimiento dentro del proceso de aprendizaje a través de muestras de trabajo, reflexiones y la formulación de metas. Esperamos que los estudiantes compartan su información de manera organizada, sean buenos comunicadores y puedan responder a sus preguntas a medida que surjan para aclarar su aprendizaje.

A diferencia de las conferencias entre padres y maestros, el papel del docente es principalmente ayudar a facilitar la conferencia, con el estudiante como líder. Los maestros guiarán a los estudiantes a través del proceso de reflexión a medida que se preparan para compartir su aprendizaje en este formato específico. Debido a que desempeñan un papel más pasivo en este tipo de conferencias, es posible que el docente facilite varias conferencias dirigidas por estudiantes a la vez.

En Futuro Verde, nos esforzamos para que nuestros estudiantes se conviertan en pensadores críticos, comunicadores efectivos, independientes y reflexivos. La investigación señala que las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes son una forma de involucrar activamente a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje y brindarles oportunidades para desarrollar los rasgos mencionados anteriormente. Las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes también les permiten a los padres jugar un papel más activo en la educación de sus hijos, ofreciendo tiempo y espacio para compartir el aprendizaje y hacer preguntas aclaratorias. Futuro Verde les da la bienvenida a todas las familias a participar en este día especial compartiendo los logros y las oportunidades de crecimiento de su estudiante.

What is it that motivates people to engage in environmental activism

What is it that motivates people to engage in environmental activism

professinal development, BHS, pd, capacitación, desarrollo profesional, Dr Ken Winograd

With this question, the 2018 BHS Conference was off to another great start.  This unique annual professional development opportunity for educators, parents, and community members is a one of a kind experience that takes place in the beautiful jungle environment of the Costa Rican Nicoya Peninsula. Beginning with the first keynote presentation by Dr. Ken Winograd, a retired professor from Oregon State University, a theme of resilience in the face of global environmental and political issues, and hope achieved through activism, was threaded throughout the conference sessions. Teachers, international visitors, parents, and local environmental activists presented a wide variety of sessions on Bilingual, Holistic and Sustainable educational practices that offer compelling ideas that can be applied in the classroom, in the community, and in one’s personal life.

The 2018 BHS Conference included 25 presentations held over two days, with two to three sessions offered concurrently at a time. Ten of the presentations focused on sustainability (e.g., analyzing river water, beach cleanups, solving real world problems in the classroom, permaculture, global education, child nutrition, living a balanced life, sustaining FV goals over the next 50 years in the Cóbano area); four addressed bilingual education (e.g., benefits of being bilingual, a comparative language class, bilingual poetry, creating a library of bilingual literature); in the “holistic” category, two sessions were on Mindfulness with one of these sessions being presented by our other special guest, Melinda Winograd; three sessions involved music (e.g., ukulele workshop, music and poetry, integration of music in the curriculum); one session focused on helping teachers with organizing student data using a digital register and another session introduced teachers  to alternative summative evaluations that utilized games and activities to reduce test anxiety and to better assess what students really know.

The talents of the FV community were also on display during the conference. Musical interludes presented by FV teachers, parents, and students added a relaxing backdrop to each of the meriendas/snacks and almuerzos/lunches in the comodor/dining area. When asked in the final evaluation what aspect of the conference they considered most useful, informative, and/or interesting, participants responded:

“Considero que la variedad de temas y el alto intelectual de las ponencias.”

“De todos aprendí algo nuevo.”

“Todo–La comida, la música. El hecho de compartir el conocimiento con los demás.”

“Todas las conferencias a las que asistí me aportaron algo que puedo aplicar en mi trabajo diario.”

Reflecting back on the question that opens this article, “significant time in nature” is what Dr. Winograd shared with us that researchers found when studying what motivates people to engage in environmental activism. “And you live that everyday here at Futuro-Verde and provide that for your students,” he told the BHS Conference attendees. This, along with curricular integration, collaborative work, problem solving together, the teaching of critical thinking, projects that are place-based, and the importance of being “connected” are examples of how the Futuro-Verde administration, teachers, and staff have made this school an optimal space for helping students develop resilience in the face of adversity. The 2018 BHS Conference was an important “space” for bringing together FV teachers and administrators with local activists and educators from points as far away as states in the U.S., Alaska and New Mexico, to strengthen connections and exchange ideas.

We want to thank Dr. Winograd and all the other presenters who made this year’s conference such a meaningful experience. As we look forward to BHS 2019, planning is already in place to follow through on participant suggestions for our 5th annual conference, such as offering only two concurrent sessions at a time so that participants can attend more of the presentations, making the conference affordable to local community members and educators, and planning an extracurricular activity to close the conference. See you next year!