by Angie Briceño | Oct 15, 2021

We are starting the new academic year and our second year of transition to the international calendar. We congratulate all families and students on successfully concluding this short and fast-paced academic year and thank you deeply for your commitment to Futuro Verde.
We celebrate this new year with the reinstatement of music classes for preschool through 10th grade. We offer a new and exciting arts program. In addition to the reinstatement of music, we continue with art classes, and we will be including a theater class in elementary and theater and dance in middle school.
Having a strong Arts program as part of the school curriculum benefits the overall development of any individual. Some of those benefits may include:
- Increases self-esteem
- Boosts creativity
- Improves communication
- Encounter different sensory experiences that help the human being from a young age to develop other cognitive abilities, among others.
In the middle years (7°-9° grade) we have included new electives where students can choose between Robotics, Personal Project and Community Project. These last two are what the IB calls ¨MYP (Middle Year Programs) Projects¨.
MYP projects are student-centered and age-appropriate and allow students to engage in hands-on explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. MYP projects help students develop the attributes of the IB learner profile; offer students a significant opportunity to demonstrate the learning focus skills developed through the MYP; and foster independent, lifelong learners.
The community project focuses on community and service, encouraging students to contribute to the community welfare through their service project. The personal project offers students the opportunity to undertake independent, age-appropriate exploration in an area of their interest. (International Baccalaureate Organization 4).
We are very excited that our 7th-9th graders will be able to explore these two options ,or Robotics, and broaden their educational experience.
Last but not least, we have added swimming lessons through 6th grade, so students from Pk to 6th grade will be enjoying this wonderful sport.
A warm welcome to the 2021-2022 school year and second year of transition! See you back on November 5th!
International Baccalaureate Organization. Community Project Guide. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2021. United Kingdom International Baccalaureate Organization. Personal Project Guide. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2021. United Kingdom
by Javier Sánchez Cáceres | Oct 7, 2021

On August 3, our twelfth grade students, accompanied by the principal Angie, teacher Javier and teacher Adriana, participated in an unforgettable experience full of adventure, challenges, laughter and above all, meaningful learning.
Crossing obstacles by holding on to ropes while maintaining balance, climbing a wall with concentration and canopy jumping at full speed were the main activities that the students were part of. One of the values that we can rescue the most during this experience was to see how support and teamwork stood out, achieving not only to bond the group, but also to enjoy extreme activities in a healthy way.
The group also had time to relax in the swimming pool, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the place, walk in a maze full of natural beauties, have delicious breakfast and lunch, and to finish, a cup of coffee accompanied by homemade sweet bread.
Thanks to this experience, our students were able to relax and enjoy in order to recharge their energy and determination for their last months of study in our institution.
“Look deeply into nature and then you will understand everything better.”
Albert Einstein
by Stephanie Nuñez Jiménez | Aug 4, 2021

Here in Preschool it should come as no surprise that our priority is…FUN!
Yes, we are responsible for our student’s first experience of what school is and yes, we take that responsibility very seriously.
Yes, our students learn about the structure of school and what the expectations are for their behavior.
Yes, our students are learning how to socialize with other students, how to form friendships and how to resolve conflicts.
Yes, our students are engaged in a rigorous academic program where they are obtaining the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and critical thinking that they will require to succeed in future grades.
BUT… our philosophy of instruction is based on PLAY. Multiple studies over decades of research have shown that all students, but especially those 6 and under, learn most effectively when they are enjoying the learning process. In our classroom, we ensure that our instruction is play based by providing a variety of activities for our students to choose from during center time, allowing our students autonomy over their learning. We build up our skills to work on whole group projects, and go on journeys of investigation as a class. We allow the students to explore the concepts of each unit, taking into account a variety of learning styles: auditory, visual, reading and kinesthetic.
We are honored to be charged with the facilitation of an engaged and enjoyable relationship with learning for our littlest school citizens. We thank you for reading and leave you with one suggestion ….go outside and PLAY!
by Hileyn | Apr 23, 2021

On April 23rd we celebrate International Book Day. It is a commemoration for the promotion of reading, the publishing industry and the protection of intellectual property. Cervantes and Shakespeare (among some other famous writers) passed away on the same day that is also why it became a symbolic date.
Although on this date the objective is to encourage people, especially young people, to discover the pleasure of reading, this is not an easy task. Jiménez Martínez mentions the purpose of encouraging reading in:
Books and their reading give the human being absolute freedom. Hence the importance that our children become readers with the desire to resort, on one hand, to reading as a will and to satisfy their demand for information, and on the other hand, to satisfy the need that both adults and children have to build a world outside the reality in which we live, in which we can give freedom to our fantasy and that allows us to enjoy and fly without any ties. (2004, p.25)
In school, reading is taught as a mechanical act, but by including reading along with a school library and meaningful activities, reading becomes an integral process of the person. While listening to a new story about a favorite subject, the intellect discovers new aspects and points of view. Also the physical and social emotional areas of the person develop as they play or dramatize a story.
Children are not exempt from discovering the world every day, and storytelling is part of this exploring process. That is why children should not be forced to read, but should be motivated to do so in a healthy way, so that their academic performance and personal development can be greatly improved. The child should choose for him/herself the book he/she is motivated to read, in this way he/she will feel the power of freedom.
We have to remember that reading is a right and forcing children and young people to read is useless. The consequence will be that children relate reading with an academic or mandatory moment instead of a moment of leisure and love for reading.
Parents can motivate their children to adopt the habit of reading by following these tips at home:
Being an example
Children observe their environment and learn from it, that is why at home, parents must set an example of reading. It is not possible to transmit a desire for reading if at home there is no time for it. If parents do not show their children that they are also able to take time and read but above all enjoy it, it will be very difficult to transmit it to their children.
In a traditional home if a family takes time to watch television every day, the children will learn what makes them happy and imitate their parents. It’s time to change our perspective and take that time as adults to read at home.
According to Arri ”People who like to read usually have had a family member who has passed on to them a passion for books. Lack of time is no excuse because when you really want something, you find the time to do it” (2012, p.313).
Reading together
Reading is not always an activity that should be done individually, this could cause the children to feel isolated, especially in early years. Reading time can be a great time to spend with the family. When children listen to their parents reading, they understand the message of the story better, so they can also read together and bond through reading.
Make some noise!
Reading aloud could be very beneficial, especially for young learners who are having difficulties during this learning process. It is also useful to teach them the pace and tone of appropriate reading. Sounds and different voices also make a big difference. Goodbye silence! Welcome to the sounds that can accompany our stories and make them more fun and engaging.
Reading aloud extends the attention span and it also helps improve the children´s pronunciation.
Reading should not be an exam or punishment
Sometimes the word exam could be related to stress and anxiety, that is why we cannot turn reading into a questionnaire, the reader has the right to remain silent while reading.
Reading is a prize, lets not condition it as a reward on doing something. “If you don´t read, you won’t have time for videogames”…
Right to choose
Parents can analyze the contents of a book, or the complexity of it, but should not place obstacles when choosing what to read. if it has controversial issues and the young person wishes to have access to this book, it is better to read it and reflect on the subject together, than to deny it. If the reading level is higher, we let the same reader experience and reconsider another.
Remember reading is what can set us free, let our children discover new opinions, places and worlds!
Arri, M. A. (2012). Errores de padres en su afán por que sus hijos lean. Boletín de La Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 27(103), 312–314.
Jiménez Martínez, Lutgardo. (2004). Bibliotecas escolares: en un lugar de la lectura. Boletin de La Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 19(75–76), 135–147.
by Noelia | Jan 10, 2020

Important dates for the first days of classes 2020
True to our Futuro Verde tradition of innovation and dedication, the 2020 school year brings many activities and positive changes to our educational center. Please find below the important dates to start the year off well.
January 20th: the Futuro Verde offices open.
February 10th: 12.30pm – 3 pm: Open House
February 11th: First day of classes from 1st to 12th grade. Preschool department, soft start: interviews with preschool students and families.
February 12th: Preschool Department, soft start: interviews with preschool students and families.
February 13th: First day of school for Prepa (no classes for Pre-K or Kinder).
February 14th: First day of classes for Pre-K and Kinder (there are no classes for Prepa).
March 4th, 3pm – 5pm: Back to School Night
by Lural Ramirez | Jan 9, 2020

As a small school, in a continual process of growth and development, each new school year brings with it improvements and changes aimed at reaching our goal of ongoing innovation and adaptation designed to meet the needs of our ever changing student population and the challenges of an ever-changing global reality. The 2020 school year is no exception and I share with you here some staffing and curricular highlights for the coming school year.
Curricular Changes
The 2020 school year will be a year of school wide redesign for mathematics! All of our subject areas go through a regular and programmed revision cycle and math has been an area of reflection, research and development this past 2019 school year. For the 2020 school year we are ready to fully roll out our modifications and adjustments. New approaches include:
- A new math end goal in 11th and 12th grade: As you will remember, Futuro Verde students can receive both the MEP and IB high school diplomas through minimum scores in IB Math examination. Starting in 2020, all IB Math courses will follow the newly adopted framework which has us shifting from teaching IB Mathematics to teaching the Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation course which will be offered at Standard Level and is targeted at students who are interested in developing their mathematics for describing our world and for modelling and solving practical problems using the power of technology. Mathematics: Applications and interpretation is developed for students who do best with math when seen in a practical context.
- Redesign of curricular structure PreK-10th grade: In order to shift our mathematics instruction to better prepare students for this new math goal, we will be redesigning middle and beginning of high school math classes in order to integrate into more practical context, mathematical modelling and real world applications. In preschool and primary grades, math will be taught on both the English and Spanish side within a complementary format that will allow more minutes of math instruction weekly and the integration of more problem-solving opportunities.
- School wide implementation of IXL: IXL has been adopted at Futuro Verde since October of the 2019 school year, but the 2020 school year will bring with it systematic implementation of IXL within and outside the math classroom. IXL is intended to support, not replace, mathematics instruction and teachers will be using IXL as a tool designed to intervene when students are in need of filling gaps in their math development and also to extend learning when students have successfully attained a new concept or objective.
History Instead of Business in IB
The 2020 school year will bring with it a change in our IB programming. The switch will come in what is referred to as the Group 3 subject area, Individuals and Societies. Due to a staffing change, our 12th graders will finish with Group 3 Business Management and our 11th graders will now take Group 3 History.
MEP Graduation Requirements Change from Bachillerato to FARO
This year brings with it a switch across Costa Rica away from MEP graduation exams known as Bachillerato and a switch to the new exam format called FARO. The exact details of this change are still being finalized and communicated to schools, but as an IB World School we do not anticipate the transition impacting our students in a significant manner.
Integration of Information Sciences in Middle School
In 7th through 9th grade this year, students will combine their technology and library times for a new course called Information Sciences. This course will focus on using the knowledge of the Information Sciences as a tool within other subject areas; for research, effective use of MLA, wide reading, and word processing and presentation tools.

Staffing Changes
1st Grade Bilingual Assistant
As Futuro Verde continues to grow to full capacity at all grade levels, we are adding a new position this year with a bilingual assistant who will be assigned to accompany our 1st graders. This extra set of hands and presence will ensure that groups run effectively and smoothly and will allow for small group and individual attention and instruction as needed.
New Position: School Psychologist
This year we are proud to announce that we will be fully funding a full-time school psychologist! Massiel Arroyo is a certified, bilingual psychologist excited to join the Futuro Verde community in support of school climate and well-being as well as the individual counseling and support that may be needed by students, families and staff members at Futuro Verde.
New Position: Costa Rican Social Studies and Civics Specialist, 1st-9th grades
In an effort to provide a more complex and meaningful structure in primary grades, while providing additional teacher prep and collaboration time, we will be adding a Costa Rican Social Studies and Civics specialist for the 2020 school year. This new specialist will be working with all classes from 1st through 9th grades in social studies and civics only. We are very excited for this new opportunity and the scheduling and hiring flexibility it brings!
Integration of Music and Physical Education in PreK-3rd grades
With a change in teacher in our specialist generalist position in PreK to 3rd grade, along with the division of the art position into two separate positions, we will be reducing the subject matter for the specialist generalist to teaching only PE and music. With our new specialist generalist, Juan, on staff in 2020 we have the unique opportunity with two professional PE teachers, to integrate music and PE with choreography, rhythmic dance and collaboration between both PE teachers for meaningful music integration into PE for the PreK-3rd grades.