by Noelia | Aug 12, 2021

The process for getting a scholarship is carried out by the Social Worker, Verónica Peréz. She is the person in charge of receiving the scholarship applications and forms, collecting and analyzing the information, and making phone calls to the families, or home visits, if necessary, in order to interview the families and answer any questions they might have. At the end of the process, the Social Worker delivers a complete report on each family and also her recommendations of percentages for each one.
For the 2021 academic year we established three different percentages: 30%, 50% and 70%.
Below the 2021 scholarship process:
- Analyzing scholarship application´s process and established criteria:
- Submission of the completed application is mandatory and necessary for the application in order for it to be considered.
- Stages of analysis and study of the cases:
- 1st stage: analysis of the application
- 2nd stage: case review
- Once the analysis is complete, the social worker will provide her recommendations to the Futuro Verde administration. Decisions will be communicated to the families who have participated in the process.
- Families who have been approved for the scholarship must sign the corresponding contract.
2021-2022 Scholarship Program Important Dates:
- Scholarship application period: June 14 – July 16, 2021
- Review period for completed scholarship applications and discount requests: July 19 – August 13, 2021
- Announcement of scholarships and discounts: week of August 16, 2021
- Pre-registration period for students with scholarship or discount granted: August 23 to September 3, 2021
Reasons for denial or withdrawal of a scholarship or discount:
- Student or family misbehavior.
- Poor academic performance.
- Delays in payments without maintaining communication with the finance department.
- The execution of any serious misconduct stipulated in the internal regulations of the institution.
This year scholarships will be awarded to:
- Preschool
- Second Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- Ninth Grade
Remember that the scholarship program is an annual program, so the scholarship or discount granted applies for one academic year only.
This process will be carried out every year for all those families who wish to apply and also meet the requirements for a scholarship or discount.
by Stephanie Nuñez Jiménez | Aug 4, 2021

Here in Preschool it should come as no surprise that our priority is…FUN!
Yes, we are responsible for our student’s first experience of what school is and yes, we take that responsibility very seriously.
Yes, our students learn about the structure of school and what the expectations are for their behavior.
Yes, our students are learning how to socialize with other students, how to form friendships and how to resolve conflicts.
Yes, our students are engaged in a rigorous academic program where they are obtaining the basic skills of literacy, numeracy and critical thinking that they will require to succeed in future grades.
BUT… our philosophy of instruction is based on PLAY. Multiple studies over decades of research have shown that all students, but especially those 6 and under, learn most effectively when they are enjoying the learning process. In our classroom, we ensure that our instruction is play based by providing a variety of activities for our students to choose from during center time, allowing our students autonomy over their learning. We build up our skills to work on whole group projects, and go on journeys of investigation as a class. We allow the students to explore the concepts of each unit, taking into account a variety of learning styles: auditory, visual, reading and kinesthetic.
We are honored to be charged with the facilitation of an engaged and enjoyable relationship with learning for our littlest school citizens. We thank you for reading and leave you with one suggestion ….go outside and PLAY!
by Noelia | Apr 27, 2021

This 2020-21 has been atypical for our children, where we have had to migrate to a digital age that we were not used to. As part of the additional support for the boys, we implemented the robotics course.
This discipline gives us an early approach to the STEAM environment in which the jobs of the future are found, allowing students to develop soft skills such as programming, design, teamwork, among others.
An important point in this program is the approach to steam careers (programming, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Product Design Engineer). This allows the student before choosing their future career, to have a glimpse of the skills necessary to perform in these careers and not go blind in their choice.
Our robotics program seeks to open all these spaces, to bring children closer to the 4.0 industrial revolution that is diversifying the work spaces of the future.
by Angie Briceño | Jul 11, 2020

Over the past few weeks, we have all gotten to know our 12th grade, and 2nd generation International Baccalaureate students, through Tuesday’s social media posts “Portraits of a Graduate”.
2020 is a very different year for the 12th graders, where what was to be a last year of memories together in class has ended up being an isolated experience in each of their homes, working towards a common goal of obtaining the International Baccalaureate degree. What we can conclude from these “portraits’ is that Futuro Verde has been not only a portal of knowledge but also a family, for this group of students. The relationships and friendships they have established at Futuro Verde will be forever carried in their hearts. Futuro Verde has been an extremely important part of their lives and they have been important to the growth and evolution of Futuro Verde. Many of them have been with us since elementary school, others joined us at the beginning of high school. We have seen them grow as students and also as people. We have watched their trajectories and we can agree that today they are citizens of the world and are ready to go out and give the best of themselves and contribute to making our world a better place. We wish them all success!
by Angie Briceño | Jul 11, 2020

We are very grateful to all the donors and friends and Futuro Verde who have helped us raise $2,806 to date. Thanks to this, we have been able to prepare for the return to school so that the students can return to a safe campus as soon as the government gives the order.
But, we still need your help! We still need to reach our goal of $55,000 to help those families who were heavily impacted by the financial crisis left by the COVID-19 pandemic and which continues to affect the entire tourism sector of Costa Rica. By facilitating the re-entry of students we will be able to continue paying the salaries of our teachers who have been doing such a great job during these challenging times.
Don’t forget to share the link of our campaign with your acquaintances:
Together we are stronger!
by Lural Ramirez | Jul 11, 2020
As schools across the world, and within Costa Rica, face the reality of a return to on-campus schooling in some form or another, emotions on the subject can run quite high and opinions, even among researchers and scientific experts, can vary widely.
From our perspective as a school, we continue to research the evolution of the disease as well as follow closely the recommendations from, not only the Costa Rican Health Ministry, but from other researchers and experts around the world.
Today, I would like to share some sample research and thoughts with you in the hope that it helps you have new and varied perspectives on the virus and the concept of school reopening when the virus is still present.
Health and safety

Regarding the concerns of wearing masks and the potential, related health risks of mask wearing, I recommend listening to this journalistic report from National Public Radio on the topic and their analysis of the scientific research behind prolonged risk from wearing masks.
Emotional and Psychological Impact of Quarantine

Does a pandemic cause emotional and psychological stress that is of grave concern in children? The answer is- it depends! Parental emotional regulation and the maintenance of a safe home environment are primary factors that contribute to the level of negative impact on children. The following article provides guidance and additional links related to supporting positive long-term health for your child throughout the distinct stages of the pandemic.
Considerations Regarding Short and Long-Term Response to a Virological Crisis

When there is a circumstance that so strongly impacts our lives and that is, in so many ways, out of our direct control, it is wise to consider the short and long term impacts of the crisis as well as the emotional response it is recommended by experts to take when facing such apparent uncertainty. In this article, renowned Belgian virologist, Peter Piot, reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Commitment as a School
One of the most commonly heard reflections from this time of crisis schooling is a re-commitment by families, and by society as a whole, to the importance of the incredibly challenging and essential work that is done each day by our professional educators and by our schools. We are fortunate in Futuro Verde to have an incredible group of highly-qualified and professional educators who have taken on the challenge of distance and online learning with the same enthusiasm and problem-solving nature that you have come to expect from a FV teacher! The ingredient currently missing from our learning program is, thankfully, not a lack of progression in learning, as is the case in too many schools around the country and the world, but instead a joint presence on campus during learning processes. Being together, though physically separate, is important for children’s mental health, academic progress and intellectual and social-emotional development.
For this reason, as soon as the health conditions permit, we plan to open our campus to students. The Futuro Verde campus reopening will be gradual and measured and will include the following of all health measures required or recommended by the Costa Rican Health Ministry.
We commit to the ongoing education of our students:
Online and through a distance format when that is required, through a blended learning model when on campus learning is allowed, and in a full on campus mode when the pandemic conditions permit.