by Hileyn | May 1, 2022

This year, the International Book and Rights Day was celebrated at Futuro Verde by carrying out different activities for preschool, elementary and middle school. At this point, the celebration took place from April 18 to 25 and was attended by students, teachers and parents.
To begin with, the preschool students had the opportunity to receive a visit from parents during the library class, in which a Storytelling session was held. In this activity, parents were able to share stories and read stories to the student population. Some of the topics that the parents discussed with the students were the value of respect, friendship, good behavior and the importance of caring for the environment. In addition, the dynamic was accompanied by manual activities aimed at the students through which they were able to put into practice the learning acquired through the visit and the stories of the guests.
On the other hand, the primary school students took advantage of the library classes to learn about the creation of books, their parts and binding. In this sense, throughout the week, students from first to third grade had the space to create their own book; therefore, each student invented a story, created the cover of their book, added the pages, bound it and made the illustrations of their story. On the other hand, the fourth grade students divided into groups and researched various topics related to literature. The fifth grade students, in turn, studied the history of the book in the library class and made objects such as papyrus and parchment. Meanwhile, sixth grade students, in pairs, chose books about which there are films or audiovisual resources, each team made a comparison between the two materials and exhibited it in the library class.
For their part, the Information Science classes became a space for high school students to learn how to clean a book in different ways. In other words, the students learned how to do dry cleaning and aqueous cleaning of the paper. In this regard, students were given the opportunity to differentiate when a book can be washed with water and when it is better to clean it with other types of materials, such as an eraser and absorbent cotton. Thus, the students were able to perform both types of cleaning. In addition, the student population learned how to regulate the pH of the paper.
In sum, to culminate the week of celebration of the book and copyright day, a parade of literary characters was held among all the members of Futuro Verde. Therefore, students and teachers dressed up as their favorite literary characters, each grade had the space to parade with their costumes and the activity ended with the awarding of prizes for the best costumes among teachers and students. Thus, that day characters such as Socrates, Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and her stepsisters were seen in the corridors of the school.
by Noelia | May 1, 2022
Este año, el día internacional del libro y los derechos se celebró en Futuro Verde mediante la realización de diferentes actividades para Preescolar, Primaria y Secundaria. En este punto, la celebración tuvo lugar del 18 al 25 de abril y contó con la participación de estudiantes, docentes y padres de familia.
Para empezar, los estudiantes de Preescolar tuvieron la oportunidad de recibir la visita de los padres y madres de familia durante la clase de biblioteca, en la cual se realizó un espacio de Storytelling. En esta actividad, los padres y madres de familia pudieron compartir historias y leer cuentos a la población estudiantil. Así las cosas, algunos de los temas que abordaron los padres de familia con los estudiantes fueron el valor del respeto, la amistad, el buen comportamiento y la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente. Además, la dinámica estuvo acompañada de actividades manuales dirigidas al estudiantado mediante las cuales pudieron poner en práctica los aprendizajes adquiridos a través de la visita y las historias de los invitados.
Por otro lado, los estudiantes de Primaria aprovecharon las clases de biblioteca para aprender sobre la creación de libros, sus partes y el encuadernado. En este sentido, a lo largo de la semana, los estudiantes de primer a tercer grado tuvieron el espacio para crear su propio libro; por lo tanto, cada estudiante inventó una historia, creó la portada de su libro, agregó las páginas, lo encuadernó y realizó las ilustraciones de su historia. Por otro lado, los estudiantes de cuarto grado se dividieron en grupos e investigaron sobre diversos temas relacionados con literatura. A su vez, los estudiantes de quinto año, estudiaron en la clase de biblioteca la historia del libro y elaboraron objetos como el papiro y el pergamino. Mientras, los estudiantes de sexto, en parejas, escogieron libros de los cuales existen películas o recursos audiovisuales, cada equipo realizó una comparación entre ambos materiales y la expusieron en la clase de biblioteca.
Por su parte, las clases de Ciencias de la Información se convirtieron en un espacio para que los estudiantes de secundaria pudieran aprender a limpiar un libro de distintas maneras. Dicho de otra forma, el estudiantado aprendió a realizar una limpieza en seco y una limpieza acuosa del papel. A propósito de lo anterior, a los estudiantes se les brindó la oportunidad de diferenciar cuándo un libro se puede lavar con agua y en qué momento es mejor realizar una limpieza con otro tipo de materiales, como borrador y algodón. Así las cosas, el estudiantado pudo realizar ambos tipos de limpieza. Además, la población estudiantil aprendió a regular el pH del papel.
En suma, para culminar con la semana de celebración del día del libro y los derechos de autor, se realizó un desfile de personajes literarios entre todos los miembros de Futuro Verde. Por lo tanto, los estudiantes y profesores se disfrazaron de sus personajes literarios favoritos, cada grado tuvo el espacio para desfilar con sus disfraces y la actividad terminó con la entrega de premios para los mejores disfraces entre docentes y estudiantado. De ahí que ese día se vieron por los pasillos de la escuela a personajes como Sócrates, Alicia en el país de las maravillas, Caperucita roja, Cenicienta y sus hermanastras.
by Jennifer Middleton | Apr 30, 2022

With the help of our volunteers, we completed or made significant progress on the following projects:
Greywater and Rainwater Harvesting
Volunteers assisted with the digging of a banana circle and improvements to the drainage of water along our new dry creek. Grey water pvc pipes from handwashing sinks were rerouted underground to eliminate tripping hazards and irrigate the food forest. Lots of dirt was moved for this project, making it one of the most challenging projects of the day!
Food Forest Maintenance
Volunteers cleaned up the food forest, rebuilt the pathways, and reinforced the planter beds with tree trunks. The bananas and other plants were pruned and compost was added. In addition, volunteers also planted a variety of plants such as vetiver, turmeric, lemon grass and yuca.
Painting and General Cleanup
Volunteers on this project focused on painting the gates at the front of the school and staining all of the wood at the entry of the school. Volunteers also focused on general cleanup throughout the campus, removing trash and touching up green and white paint.
We look forward to hosting another Beautification event in May to focus on finishing the remaining projects such as building the compost bin, creating a fence for the school garden, and completing the rainwater infrastructure improvements.
A huge thanks to Green Wave for the donation of materials for our compost bin and providing permaculture expert Irene to assist in implementing the design principles on campus. Most importantly, thanks to the students, parents, teachers and staff who volunteered their time to make this event a success!
by Noelia | Apr 30, 2022
Con la ayuda de nuestros voluntarios el pasado sábado, hemos completado o hecho progresos significativos en los siguientes proyectos:
Recogida de aguas grises y pluviales
Los voluntarios ayudaron a cavar un círculo de plátanos y a mejorar el drenaje del agua a lo largo de nuestro nuevo arroyo seco. Las tuberías de PVC de las aguas grises de los lavabos se redirigieron bajo tierra para eliminar los peligros de tropiezo y regar el bosque de alimentos. Para este proyecto se movió mucha tierra, por lo que fue uno de los proyectos más difíciles del día.
Mantenimiento del bosque de alimentos
Los voluntarios limpiaron el bosque de alimentos, reconstruyeron los caminos y reforzaron los parterres con troncos de árboles. Se podaron los plátanos y otras plantas y se añadió compost. Además, los voluntarios también plantaron una variedad de plantas como vetiver, cúrcuma, hierba de limón y yuca.
Pintura y limpieza general
Los voluntarios de este proyecto se centraron en pintar las puertas de la fachada de la escuela y en teñir toda la madera de la entrada de la escuela. Los voluntarios también se centraron en la limpieza general en todo el campus, la eliminación de la basura y el retoque de la pintura verde y blanca.
Esperamos organizar otro evento de embellecimiento en mayo para centrarnos en la finalización de los proyectos restantes, como la construcción del contenedor de compost, la creación de una valla para el jardín de la escuela, y la finalización de las mejoras de la infraestructura de agua de lluvia.
Un enorme agradecimiento a Green Wave por la donación de materiales para nuestro contenedor de compost y por proporcionar el tiempo a la experta en permacultura Irene para ayudar a implementar los principios de diseño en el campus. Y lo que es más importante, gracias a los estudiantes, padres, profesores y personal que han ofrecido su tiempo para que este evento fuera un éxito.
by Angie Briceño | Jan 5, 2022
This 2021-2022 school year we have seen tremendous growth and change in our educational community.
We feel very honored and proud that you have chosen our educational community for your children. Because of this, we always seek the best for them.
This year we have invested in new classrooms for our secondary classes, so that little by little we begin to divide secondary students from primary and preschool. This way each student body can enjoy their own designated space.
In addition, we have divided the high school to third grade classes into two groups, A and B, to ensure a student population of 15 students each and a maximum of 18 students per classroom at a time. This ensures more differentiated attention, thus reducing the groups from 25 to 18 students per class.
Growth in Futuro Verde is not only in classes and buildings, but also in the extracurricular area.
This year we are including ‘Personal and Community Project’ classes for grades 7-9 and the students are really enjoying them. Some of the projects they have started are; volleyball tournaments, creating bags made from recycled clothing to give to business, cookbooks based on cultural dishes related to heritage, learning more about caring for pets and sharing that knowledge with others, plus much more. These courses help students develop the attributes of the International Baccalaureate student profile such as being: bold, inquisitive, informed, educated, well-rounded, open-minded, supportive, balanced, reflective, excellent communicators, and profound thinkers. Additionally, these courses are excellent opportunities for students to explore new interests and arrive more prepared for the Pre-CAS and CAS courses in the 10th and 11th grades, respectively.
In the preschool and primary department, we continue to work on aligning all content to the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. This year we implemented a communal blackboard where primary teachers can share the work done in class along with work that is aligned with the transdisciplinary theme of the month. Thus having four transdisciplinary themes this year:
- ‘Who we are’
- ‘How the world works’
- ‘How we express ourselves’
- ‘Where we are in time and space’.
Lastly, we started this year with new courses in the artistic area as well as expansion in the athletics area. Art, dance, music, expression and theater give our students a development of knowledge which helps them enhance their skills which is as important as any other subject in school or college. We are fortunate to have teachers in the arts and athletics who are highly qualified and support students in discovering their potential.
The 2021-2022 school year is a short year but filled with new opportunities for our students!
by Hileyn | Oct 30, 2021

The Costa Rican rural area of the Nicoya Peninsula, presents many problems with respect to literacy and accessibility to information. It is for this cause that we started with the project of a community library, where the doors will be opened to the people of the Nicoya Peninsula. Last April we requested the help of hundreds of people for the donation of $ 5,000, what excites us is that we managed to exceed the proposed goal.
We proposed the purchase of Spanish language material, due to the fact that 80% of our library’s total bibliographic collection is in Spanish. Thinking of obtaining hundreds of books for elementary school and being able to offer a better children’s collection, we went to second hand bookstores, where we obtained great literary works of excellent publishing houses at very low prices such as Barco de Vapor, Torre de Papel, among others. We obtained great literary pieces for elementary school. We did not leave behind Costa Rican literature, in the Editorial de Costa Rica, we acquired brand new books, all the literature that the Ministry of Public Education suggests for school ages and we also got several titles for the smallest of collections with beautiful illustrations, which will catch more than one in the reading.
Thinking about the satisfaction of our teenagers, we moved on to the discounts that were found in the International Bookstore on manga, anime and youth series, more than 10 titles of these genres, which already have a waiting list in the library to be read. The youngest preschoolers were not left behind, in each of the purchases there were always books for them, but they needed a lot of love so we went to a store specializing in babies, BamoBam, and bought literary gems with the right material for their age as well as being interactive books that they needed and so authors like Eric Carle are available for these ages. Between all the book purchases, $1,400 was allocated.
In order to organize the purchase of all new acquisitions and the more than 8,000 copies that the library owns, the Destiny Follet cataloging system was installed. This system is used by the best school libraries around the world, where it is a complete library management system that can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7, which helps to strengthen the crucial link between the library, the classroom and the home. The first phase is ready, which is the creation of the online platform and user login. Now the most difficult part of the job remains, cataloging and entering each of our copies online. If you want to see how the page is looking click here. Soon it will be 100% ready for online booking. The purchase of $1,431 plus the purchase of a code scanner for $175.
The aesthetics and comfort of our current and future library users is not left behind, we have invested in the remodeling of the space with the purchase of new puff chairs for the different libraries, replacing the old ones that were in very bad condition. New shelves have been created that are more accessible to children. This is to create a more friendly and attractive space for all those who come to our facilities. Technology is not far behind and for the events that the library will hold, two new microphones were purchased.
All these advances in our project were made with the help of each of the donors and the people of Futuro Verde and Cóbano are grateful for every grain of sand received from people full of love for a better future for the community.
With hard work, it is expected that the goal of creating a community library in rural Costa Rica, can open its doors in November 2021.