by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 21, 2017

Dentro de dos meses llega uno de los momentos más importantes de nuestra solicitud ante el BI* para ofrecer el Programa del Diploma aquí en Futuro Verde. Dos inspectores del BI* nos visitarán el 29 y 30 de mayo con el fin de verificar nuestra solicitud. Inspeccionarán el centro educativo, la infraestructura y los recursos, además entrevistarán a la administración, los profesores, los miembros de la Junta, los padres y a los estudiantes. Al fin y al cabo, nuestra solicitud será aceptada, rechazada o quedará en trámite con “asuntos pendientes”. Evidentemente, todos estamos trabajando arduamente para lograr la aprobación e iniciar con las clases BI* en el 2018 en undécimo año.
Durante los meses venideros nuestra preparación incluirá:
- Eventos informativos mensuales para los padres.
- Reuniones informativas para los alumnos de 8º, 9º y 10º años.
- Los docentes seguirán participando en talleres del BI.
- Los recursos necesarios serán adquiridos o incluidos en el presupuesto para futuras compras.
Durante las vacaciones y las primeras semanas de clases se hicieron unos proyectos de construcción a gran escala. Si bien estos proyectos benefician a todos los estudiantes a corto plazo, son de vital importancia para nuestra solicitud y el éxito de los futuros estudiantes. Se restauró y amplió el aula de arte, ahora contamos con un aula de música que será mejorada aún, se terminó el laboratorio de ciencia, se construyeron nuevas aulas para el departamento preescolar y tenemos una sala de cómputo y biblioteca más amplias.
Con tanto trabajo ya realizado, es de suma importancia que sigamos adelante con todos los preparativos a fin de lograr una exitosa visita de verificación.
*Centro Educativo Futuro Verde es un colegio candidato* al Programa del Diploma. Este colegio está solicitando autorización como un Colegio del Mundo BI. Estos colegios comparten una filosofía – el compromiso con una educación internacional de alta calidad que, según Centro Educativo Futuro Verde, es importante para nuestros estudiantes. Solamente las escuelas autorizadas por el BI pueden ofrecer un programa académico del BI: Años en Primaria, Años Intermedios, Programa del Diploma o el Programa Vocacional. Ser colegio candidato no garantiza que la solicitud sea aprobada. Para más información sobre el BI y sus programas sigan el siguiente enlace:
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 21, 2017

In a little over two months, we reach one of the most important parts of our application for authorization to offer the IB* Diploma Program at Futuro Verde. Two inspectors from IB* will come on May 29th and 30th to conduct a verification visit. They will inspect the school, the infrastructure and resources, and interview administration, teachers, board members, parents, and students. The outcome of this visit will be that our application is accepted, denied or pending with “matters to be addressed”. Obviously, everyone is working hard to make sure that we are successful and are approved to start offering IB* classes in 2018 in 11th grade.
Over the next two months our preparation will include:
- Monthly information events for parents.
- Information meetings for students in 8th, 9th and 10th grades.
- Teachers will continue to attend IB* workshops.
- Necessary resources will be purchased or built into the budget for purchase in the future.
During the vacation and first few weeks of school there were some large-scale building projects. These projects benefit all students in the school, but are also vital to ensure that our application and future students stand the best chance of success. The art room has been enlarged and renovated, there is now a designated music room with plans in place to develop it further, the science lab has been completed, and the new preschool classrooms have made space for a multi-media lab and library.
With so much work done already, it is really important that we keep momentum, push forward, and all play a role, preparing as best we can for a successful verification visit and authorization.
*Centro Educativo Futuro Verde is a candidate school* for the Diploma Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy- a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Centro Educativo Futuro Verde believes is important for our students.Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 16, 2017

Futuro Verde is excited to announce the introduction of Google Classroom. This is a free, web-based platform that allows teachers and students to interact in a paperless way.
- Teachers can post announcements and reminders, assignments, projects, ask questions, and send grades and feedback electronically.
- Students can submit their assignments for each class, and through the interface with Google Calendar, can easily see what they have due or pending for all classes. Google Classroom should help students work in a more organized way, be more effective time managers, and stay on top of their school responsibilities.
- Parents! If you would like to receive notifications about your student’s assignments and work at school and feel more informed, just ask their teacher to include your email for updates.
All secondary students have been provided with an email address and will be required to use the system. The first subjects to use Google Classroom will be Spanish, English, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. Each of those teachers will set up their own “classroom” online and students will enrol. After an initial test period, teachers and some students will review the platform and offer suggestions for how we might use it more effectively in the future.
This is an exciting technological development at Futuro Verde and should bring great benefits to teachers, students and parents/guardians.
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Feb 16, 2017

Futuro Verde se complace en anunciar la introducción de las aulas digitales de Google (Google Classroom). Es una plataforma gratuita en línea que permite la interacción entre profesores y estudiantes sin tener que imprimir hoja alguna.
- Los profesores pueden publicar anuncios, recordatorios, tareas, proyectos, preguntas, y enviar las notas y la retroalimentación de manera electrónica.
- Los estudiantes pueden ver los trabajos pendientes fácilmente y entregar sus tareas para cada materia. Google Classroom debe ayudar a los estudiantes a organizar sus trabajos, ser más eficaces y cumplir con sus responsabilidades escolares.
- Si, como padres, a ustedes les gustaría recibir notificaciones sobre las tareas y el trabajo en clase de su hijo(a) a fin de sentirse más informados, pídanle a su profesor incluir su correo electrónico.
Todos los estudiantes de colegio actualmente poseen un correo electrónico de y deben utilizar el sistema. Las primeras materias en las que utilizarán Google Classroom serán español, inglés, ciencia, estudios sociales, y matemática. Cada uno de los profesores creará su propia clase en línea a la cual se unirán los estudiantes. Después de un periodo inicial de prueba, los profesores y algunos estudiantes harán la crítica del sistema y ofrecerán sugerencias para mejorar su uso en el futuro.
En resumen, es un emocionante avance tecnológico en Futuro Verde que aportará grandes beneficios a profesores, estudiantes y padres por igual.
by Stuart Millar, IB coordinator | Jan 30, 2017

Futuro Verde has now entered its third, and hopefully final, year of the application process to offer the IB Diploma Program. We all continue to work hard: teachers continue to attend IB workshops and revise their curricula; new installations are being built at school; and a workshop was held for board members, parents and new teachers. The next, and perhaps most important, stage of our application is the verification visit which IB will conduct on the 29th and 30th of May, 2017. Two IB representatives will inspect the school and meet with the director, the IB coordinator (designate), teachers, parents, students and board members. After this visit, our application will be approved, denied, or remain pending with matters to be addressed. It is very important that all stakeholders understand that during this process we continue to be a candidate school*, applying to offer the IB diploma program.
Our goal is to prepare our students to be successful. With this in mind, we have adapted the 10th grade subject offering for 2017. Students will have now have three music and three art classes per week, to prepare them for when they choose a group six subject in the arts. Integrated science will prepare them for the Biology IB diploma course, and a new elective “Collaborative Study: Sustainable Innovation” will give students the opportunity to run their own business project, and face all the challenges and successes that a real-life situation will bring. Finally, students will have the opportunity to meet once a week to prepare themselves for Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) as they work on their 10th grade community work project.
*Centro Educativo Futuro Verde is a candidate school* for the Diploma Programme. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy- a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Centro Educativo Futuro Verde believes is important for our students.
Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programmes, visit