by Khalida Lockheed | Oct 20, 2021

La transición a un calendario internacional ha hecho que el final de este año escolar y el comienzo del siguiente se sientan un poco diferentes. Este es el momento del año en el que, tradicionalmente, estaríamos planeando nuestras actividades de fin de año, el cierre del año escolar coincidiendo con el cierre del año natural. Este año, sin embargo, celebraremos la culminación de los alumnos de 6º de primaria el 14 de octubre, pero no celebraremos la culminación y graduación de nuestros alumnos de 12º hasta finales de noviembre, ¡mucho después de que comience el próximo curso escolar y la nueva cohorte de IB!
Mirando hacia atrás
Nuestra cohorte de IB de noviembre de 2021 se está preparando para sus exámenes finales y terminando cualquier toque de última hora a su trabajo de curso que finalizará su tiempo, no sólo como estudiantes de IB, sino como estudiantes de Futuro Verde. Algunos de estos alumnos han sido estudiantes de Futuro Verde desde la fundación de la escuela, ¡hace 13 años! Están ansiosos y estresados, mirando al mismo tiempo sus planes y estudios a futuro, mientras reflexionan sobre su tiempo en Futuro Verde. El 7 de octubre realizaremos nuestra última práctica de paz del año y de su carrera estudiantil. Será una oportunidad para despedirnos y un espacio de reflexión.
Mirando hacia el futuro
Nuestra cohorte de mayo de 2023 de IB están ansiosos por comenzar su viaje como estudiantes del IB. Han hecho su selección de cursos y están entusiasmados por comenzar. Los aspectos más destacados para su próximo año incluyen la Teoría del Conocimiento para todos los estudiantes de 11º grado, el nuevo curso de Psicología, y emocionantes experiencias organizadas de CAS y retiros.
Finalmente, como en todas las transiciones, cambios y nuevos comienzos, le damos la bienvenida a Karol Madrigal a su nuevo puesto como Coordinadora de IB y Coordinadora de Currículo. Con más de 7 años de experiencia en Futuro Verde y actualmente trabajando como Coordinadora Curricular en CINDEA, está más que calificada para asumir este nuevo cargo. Mientras que nuestros estudiantes extrañará que ella les enseñe en el aula, ahora tendrá la oportunidad de impactar positivamente a los estudiantes de todas las edades en Futuro Verde. En cuanto a mí, seguiré ayudando a la coordinación del IB durante el proceso de verificación de nuestra autorización del IB durante los años 2022 y 2023 y estoy encantada de volver a enseñar Artes Visuales en el nivel secundario.
Durante los tiempos de transición y cambio, la vida nos exige encarnar los Perfiles del Alumno del IB de ser reflexivos y, al mismo tiempo, arriesgados. El mayor crecimiento se produce en el trapecio de la vida cuando soltamos un trapecio y volamos hacia el siguiente.
by Khalida Lockheed | Oct 20, 2021

The transition to an International calendar has made the timing of the end of this school year and the beginning of the next school year feel odd. This is the time of year when, traditionally, we would be planning our end of the year activities, the closure of the school year coinciding with the closure of the calendar year. This year, however, we will be celebrating the culmination of primary school’s 6th graders on October 14th, but we won’t be celebrating the culmination and graduation of our 12th graders until the end of November, long after the next school year and the new IB cohort begins!
Looking Back
Our November 2021 IB cohort is preparing for their final exams and finishing up any last minute touches to their coursework which will finalize their time, not only as IB students, but Futuro Verde students. Some of this cohort have been Futuro Verde students since the school’s founding, 13 years ago! They are anxious and stressed, simultaneously looking ahead to their future plans and studies, while reflecting back on their time at Futuro Verde. They will be hosting our last Peace Practice of the year and of their student careers on October 7th. It will be an opportunity and a space for reflection.
Looking Ahead
Our May 2023 IB cohort is anxiously looking forward to beginning their journey as IB students. They have made their course selections and are enthusiastic to begin. Highlights for their upcoming year include Theory of Knowledge for all 11th graders, the new Psychology course, and exciting organized CAS experiences and retreats.
Finally, as with all transitions, changes, and new beginnings, we welcome Karol Madrigal to her new position as IB Coordinator and Curriculum Coordinator. With over 7 years of experience at Futuro Verde and currently working as the Curriculum Coordination at CINDEA, she is more than qualified to take on this new position. While our students will miss having her teach them in the classroom, she will now have the opportunity to positively impact students of all ages at Futuro Verde. As for myself, I will be continuing to assist with IB Coordination during the process of having our IB authorization verified during the 2022 and 2023 years and am delighted to be returning to teach Visual Arts at the secondary level.
During times of transition and change, life requires us to embody the IB Learner Profiles of being reflective while simultaneously being risk takers. The greatest growth happens on the trapeze of life when we let go of one trapeze and fly towards the next.
by Khalida Lockheed | Aug 4, 2021

“700 words? Ugh, I don’t think I can write that much,” whined a 9th grader recently. A nearby 12th grader snorted a laugh and assured the student, “Of course you can. And when you are an IB student, you will think that a 1400 word essay is nothing.” The ability to compose an analytical, well researched essay, highlighting critical thinking and demonstrating metacognition is a hallmark of an IB student. These qualities make graduates of an IB education stand out in the university setting. In fact, for students applying to universities, both here in Costa Rica and abroad, the skills learned at an IB school make that application process a breeze!
Statistically speaking, IB diploma graduates are more likely to attend university, are more likely to graduate university, and are oftentimes more likely to graduate in less time. In addition, IB research has found that IB diploma students have been cited as demonstrating the following skills, all critical for successful university studies:
- Interest and experience in research
- Time management and organizational skills
- Critical thinking, inquiry and problem solving
- Strong language and writing skills
- International-mindedness and a sense of responsibility for the community.
Ultimately, what students, and parents, want is to graduate prepared to continue their studies, whatever and wherever they might be. And while in primary and secondary school, they want to pursue their interest and be encouraged to follow their own lines of inquiry. They want their coursework to have meaning and to connect their local community and experience with a global community and international overview. All of this is aligned with the IB program from preschool to graduates.
At Futuro Verde we are continually and constantly working to further align our curriculum with IB while simultaneously adhering to all MEP requirements. We have strived to provide students with meaningful and connected learning by implementing teacher collaboration for purposeful links across subjects. And, as a school, in this diverse community and in an ever increasing global society, we explore international mindedness together.
by Khalida Lockheed | May 7, 2021

The International Baccalaureate is not only for Diploma Program students, 11th and 12th graders. The IB Organization offers programs in the Primary and Middle years, preparing students to be global citizens, transdisciplinary thinkers, and well rounded people.
Like other IB schools in Costa Rica, Futuro Verde, is not authorized as a “continuum school” offering all three programs. However, by offering the capstone Diploma Program, in order to properly prepare students to be successful has required that we align the primary and middle years’ curriculum to IB.
What does this mean?
It means that all teachers, at all levels, must learn about the IB programs and ensure students are meeting the required standards.
Furthermore, the IB programs and courses are continuously undergoing revision with updates and thorough course program review and revision every seven years. IB encourages teachers to participate in this process making it a collaborative product.
Okay, you say, it makes sense that teachers and students should learn about and practice the IB program at their level. But what about families? As parents of students in a private school, it is clear that education is an important value in your family. Why it is important for parents to understand the program of study of their children became more apparent during the last school year when the pandemic sent students home for virtual learning.
We all experienced school in a new way over the last year!
To this end, we invite you to visit this space for more information and an overview of the IB. In addition, we will be organizing parent meetings to further inform and learn about the IB programs and what it means for students at every level.
Keep tuned!
by Khalida Lockheed | May 7, 2021

El Bachillerato Internacional no es solo para estudiantes del Programa del Diploma, los cuales son estudiantes de 11 ° y 12 ° grado. La Organización del Bachillerato Internacional ofrece programas en los años de primaria y secundaria, preparando a los estudiantes para ser ciudadanos globales, pensadores transdisciplinarios y personas integrales.
Al igual que otros colegios IB en Costa Rica, Futuro Verde no está autorizado como un “colegio continuo” que ofrezca los tres programas. Sin embargo, al ofrecer el Programa del Diploma culminante, a fin de preparar adecuadamente a los estudiantes para que tengan éxito, se requiere que alineemos el plan de estudios de primaria y secundaria con el plan de estudios de IB.
¿Qué significa esto?
Significa que todos los profesores, en todos los niveles, deben aprender sobre los programas de IB y asegurarse de que los alumnos cumplan con los estándares requeridos.
Además, los programas y cursos de IB se revisan cada 7 años, de esta manera se pueden brindar actualizaciones y una revisión exhaustiva del programa.
El IB, o bachillerato internacional, anima a los profesores de todos los grados a participar en este proceso convirtiéndolo en un producto colaborativo. Claro, tiene sentido que los profesores y los alumnos aprendan y practiquen el programa de IB a su nivel. Pero ¿qué pasa con las familias? Como padres de estudiantes en una escuela privada, está claro que la educación es un valor importante en su familia. Porqué es importante que los padres comprendan el programa de estudio de sus hijos se hizo más evidente durante el último año escolar cuando la pandemia envió a los estudiantes a casa para el aprendizaje virtual.
¡Todos experimentamos la escuela de una manera nueva durante el año pasado!
Con este fin, lo invitamos a visitar este espacio para obtener más información y una descripción general de lo que significa IB. Además, organizaremos reuniones de padres para informar y aprender más sobre los programas de IB y lo que significan para los estudiantes en todos los niveles.
¡Manténganse atentos!