Inicio de clases suave para preescolar

Inicio de clases suave para preescolar


Se acerca el nuevo año escolar y en Futuro Verde, el departamento de preescolar se prepara para recibir a los estudiantes con nuestro programa de “inicio suave”, el cual está diseñado para proporcionar una transición paulatina y óptima a nuestros alumnos más pequeños. Con el fin de asegurar que los detalles estén claros les compartimos los detalles del inicio suave de preescolar.

Horario Inicio Suave

  • 10 de febrero, 12.30pm – 3 pm: Open House 

Evento de puertas abiertas para toda la escuela, inclusive el departamento de preescolar, para conocer la escuela, los maestros y el personal que trabajará y apoyará a su hijo/a todo año.

  • 11 y 12 de febrero: Departamento de preescolar, comienzo suave: entrevistas con los estudiantes y familias de preescolar

El personal de la oficina de Futuro Verde organizará citas para reuniones individuales con cada familia. Durante dicha cita, las familias se reúnen con las dos maestras de preescolar para que se conozcan, compartan detalles importantes sobre los alumnos y lleguen a un acuerdo con respecto a las metas para el año.

  • 13 de febrero: primer día de clases para Prepa (no hay clases para Pre-K ni Kinder)

Ambas maestras trabajan juntas durante este día para conocer a nuestros estudiantes de preparatoria y procurar que los estudiantes se adapten a su nuevo rol de estudiantes mayores en nuestro departamento de preescolar.

  • 14 de febrero: primer día de clases para Pre-K y Kinder (no hay clases para Prepa)

Es el turno de los más pequeños para tener un día solo para ellos. Las dos maestras de preescolar trabajan juntas durante este día para conocer a nuestros estudiantes de Kinder y Pre-Kinder y procurar que se sientan cómodos al iniciar el nuevo año escolar. 


  • 17 de febrero: Todos los estudiantes del departamento de preescolar tienen su primer día de clases juntos, de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm

Inicio de clases suave para preescolar

Gentle Start for Preschool Department

The new school year is fast approaching and at Futuro Verde, the preschool department is preparing to receive the students with our gentle start program, which is designed to provide a gradual and optimal transition to our youngest students. In order to ensure that the gentle start program is clear to all, you will find the details here below.

Gentle Start Schedule

February 10th, 12.30 pm – 3 pm: Open House

Open-door event for the entire school, including the preschool department, to learn about the school, teachers and staff who will work with and support your child all year.

February 11th and 12th: Preschool Department, Gentle Start: interviews with preschool students and families.

Futuro Verde office staff will arrange appointments for individual meetings with each family. During this appointment, families meet with the two preschool teachers to get to know each other, share important details about the students and reach an agreement regarding the goals for the year.

February 13th: first day of school for Prepa (no classes for Pre-K or Kinder).

Both teachers work together on this day to meet our preparatory students and ensure that students adapt to their new role as older students in our preschool department.

February 14th: First day of classes for Pre-K and Kindergarten (no classes for Prepa).

It’s our little ones’ turn to have the day just to themselves! The two preschool teachers work together on this day to meet our Kinder and Pre-K students and ensure that they feel comfortable starting the new school year.

February 17th: All students in the preschool department have their first day of school together, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Eventos de Fin de Año

Eventos de Fin de Año

Fin de año es siempre una época muy ajetreada para todos y la vida escolar en Futuro Verde no es la excepción. El final del ciclo escolar 2019 llega cargado de muchas actividades divertidas e importantes eventos para disfrutar en familia por lo que pensamos que ¡es importante recordar las fechas para no perderse nada!

  • 6 de diciembre, 8 am – 3 pm: Feria de Soluciones Sostenibles, los alumnos de preescolar a 10°grado comparten sus proyectos e ideas innovadoras para proteger mejor a nuestro medio ambiente y cómo vivir una vida saludable; haciendo que la sostenibilidad sea parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. 
  • 9 de diciembre 7 am – 3 pm: Desarrollo profesional – no hay clases.
  • 11 de diciembre: RAP (horario a confirmar),  el evento de fin de año que reúne a nuestra diversa población escolar con danzas, música, obras de teatro, poesía lírica y mucho, mucho más.
  • 13 y 14 de diciembre: The Mousetrapp, una fabulosa obra de teatro adaptada y producida por los estudiantes.
  • 13 de diciembre, 8 am – 1.30 pm: Futuro Verde Trail Fun Run – el último día de clases celebramos nuestra tradicional carrera Futuro Verde Trail Fun Run, un divertido evento para toda la familia. Inscripción aquí.  El horario de salida de clases es a la 1.30 pm.
  • 16 y 17 de diciembre, 8 am – 5 pm: Conferencias Padres y Maestros – no hay clases.
  • 18 de diciembre, 4 – 6 pm: Ceremonia de graduación de 6to grado.
  • 19 de diciembre, 4 – 6 pm: Ceremonia de graduación de 12mo grado – 1era generación IB de Futuro Verde.

2019 Holiday Giving Campaign

¡Fin de año es una época para reflexionar, compartir y dar! Nuestra campaña anual de donaciones, en beneficio de las familias necesitadas de nuestra comunidad, Holiday Giving Campaign, ¡está abierta! Del 28 de noviembre al 6 de diciembre, trae a Futuro Verde tu ropa usada en buen estado para todas las edades y juguetes nuevos o poco usados. ¡No envuelvas los artículos y déjalos según la categoría en las cajas correspondientes antes del viernes 6 de diciembre! ¡Contribuyamos con unas felices fiestas para todos!

¡Esperamos contar con tu presencia para celebrar juntos el final de un gran año!

Eventos de Fin de Año

End of Year Events

The end of the year is always a busy time for everyone and school life at Futuro Verde is no exception. The end of the 2019 school year comes loaded with many fun activities and important family events, so we wanted to make sure you wouldn´t miss anything by sharing the dates with you today!

  • December 6th, 8 am – 3 pm: Sustainable Solutions Fair, preschool to 10th grade students share their innovative projects and ideas on how to best protect our environment and how to live a healthy life making sustainability part of our daily lives.
  • December 9th, 7 am – 3 pm: Professional development – no school.
  • December 11th: RAP (schedule to be confirmed): the end of the year event that brings together our diverse school population with dance, music, theatre, lyrical poetry and much, much more.
  • December 13th, and 14th: The Mousetrapp, a fabulous play adapted and produced by the students.
  • December 13th, 8 am – 1.30 pm: Futuro Verde Trail Fun Run – on the last day of school we hold our traditional Futuro Verde Trail Fun Run race, a fun event for the whole family. Sign up here! School release time is at 1.30 pm.
  • December 16th and 17th, 8 am – 5 pm: Parent-Teacher Conferences – no school.
  • December 18th, 4 – 6 pm: 6th grade graduation ceremony.
  • December 19th, 4 – 6 pm: 12th grade graduation ceremony – 1st FV IB generation.

2019 Holiday Giving Campaign

The holidays are a time to reflect, share and give! Our annual donation campaign, Holiday Giving Campaign, benefiting our community´s families in need has begun! From November 28th to December 6th, bring your used clothes for all ages that remain in good condition and new or barely used toys to Futuro Verde. Do not wrap the items and deposit them in the corresponding boxes before Friday, December 6th! Let’s contribute to a happy holiday season for everyone!

We look forward to your presence to celebrate the end of a great year together!

Summary of Student Life Dances

Summary of Student Life Dances

Middle School Dance

The middle school dance, Tropical Spring Fling, was a smashing success! We had 38 students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades attend the first ever Futuro Verde middle school dance. A student-led committee organized the entire event: food, security, games, decorations, music playlist, dress code and space layout. The “lounge” area with couches and beanbags next to the stage was the perfect place to chill and visit with friends. Excellent music provided by our own Futuro Verde student, Axel, had everyone dancing. There was lots of pizza provided by Chelo’s restaurant and delicious desserts provided by the students. This amazing event will now become part of Futuro Verde’s middle school experience.



Our high school dance, PROM, with the theme “An Arabian Night”, was a great success. The students and their friends enjoyed and danced all night.

The PROM committee was very happy with the results, decorations and the food that parents helped organize, all very popular among the guests. It was a magical night that everyone could enjoy. We would like to thank all the students and parents who supported this student event during the month of November.

We encourage students to apply to be members of the PROM 2020 committee!