Important Reminders for the First Month of School

Important Reminders for the First Month of School

School will be starting very soon! To begin this new 2020 school year, we’re sharing some important reminders for the first month of school. Some things will stay the same as last year, while others will be changed this year to improve and perfect our performance and quality service for our Futuro Verde community.

Important Dates for the First Month of School

  • February 10, 12.30 pm – 3 pm: Open House. An open-door event for all students and families at Futuro Verde; an opportunity to get the know the school, teachers, and staff that work and support students year-round. 
  • February 11: First day of classes for 1st through 12th grade. Preschool Department, gentle start: interviews with preschool students and families. Office staff at Futuro Verde will organize appointments for individual meetings with each family. During this appointment, families meet with the two preschool teachers in order to get to know each other, share important details about their students, and set goals for the year.
  • February 12: Preschool Department, gentle start: interviews with preschool students and families. Office staff at Futuro Verde will organize appointments for individual meetings with each family. During this appointment, families meet with the two preschool teachers in order to get to know each other, share important details about their students, and set goals for the year.
  • February 13: First day of school for Prepa (no school for pre-K or Kinder). Both teachers will work together on this day to get to know our preparatory students and help them adapt to their new role as older students in our preschool department.
  • February 14: First day of classes for pre-K and Kinder (no classes for Prepa). It’s the little ones’ turn to have a day for themselves! Our two preschool teachers will work together on this day to get to know our Kinder and Pre-K students and help them feel comfortable as they start the school year. 
  • February 17: All students in the preschool department have their first day of classes together, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • March 4, 1pm – 5 pm: Back to School Night. See the detailed schedule of activities and workshops for Back to School Night here

Futuro Verde Planners

Each year, Futuro Verde students receive a planner specially designed by our school in order to facilitate communication between parents and teachers. We strongly recommend that parents check their student’s planner every day to encourage smooth communication with teachers.

The planner also includes important information that helps families stay organized with school events and news, and contains resources that are worth reviewing each year: 

  • Schedule
  • FV Directory
  • Description of our Learning Community and Futuro Verde Values 
  • Academic Honesty 
  • Calendar
  • Important Dates 2020

School Schedule

Futuro Verde’s class schedule is Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. It is recommended that students arrive 10 minutes before the start time so that they can settle into their classrooms and greet their classmates. That way, classes can begin on time at 8 am, without interruptions.

The departure time is 3 pm. No changes are expected for students who take school transportation since last year’s system worked well. However, some changes will be implemented for children who are picked up by their parents and/or relatives in private vehicles as our pick-up and drop-off lot has been remodeled. Please read the email about this topic for specific details.

Important Reminders for the First Month of School

Recordatorios importantes para el primer mes de clases

¡Las clases comienzan en pocos días! Para comenzar este nuevo ciclo escolar 2020 de la mejor manera posible, les compartimos algunos recordatorios importantes para este primer mes de clases. Algunas cosas se mantienen igual que el año pasado y otras se cambiarán este año para mejorar nuestro funcionamiento y servicio de calidad a nuestra comunidad de Futuro Verde.

Fechas importantes del primer mes de clases

  • 10 de febrero, 12.30 pm – 3 pm: Open House. Evento de puertas abiertas para todos los alumnos de Futuro Verde y sus familias.  Una oportunidad para conocer la escuela, los maestros y el personal que trabajarán y apoyarán a los estudiantes todo año.
  • 11 de febrero: primer día de clases de 1ero a 12mo grado. Departamento de preescolar, comienzo suave: entrevistas con los estudiantes y familias de preescolar. El personal de la oficina de Futuro Verde organizará citas para reuniones individuales con cada familia. Durante dicha cita, las familias se reúnen con las dos maestras de preescolar para que se conozcan, compartan detalles importantes sobre los alumnos y lleguen a un acuerdo con respecto a las metas para el año.
  • 12 de febrero: Departamento de preescolar, comienzo suave: entrevistas con los estudiantes y familias de preescolar. El personal de la oficina de Futuro Verde organizará citas para reuniones individuales con cada familia. Durante dicha cita, las familias se reúnen con las dos maestras de preescolar para que se conozcan, compartan detalles importantes sobre los alumnos y lleguen a un acuerdo con respecto a las metas para el año.
  • 13 de febrero: primer día de clases para Prepa (no hay clases para Pre-K ni Kinder). Ambas maestras trabajan juntas durante este día para conocer a nuestros estudiantes de preparatoria y así procurar que los estudiantes se adapten a su nuevo rol de estudiantes mayores en nuestro departamento de preescolar.
  • 14 de febrero: primer día de clases para Pre-K y Kinder (no hay clases para Prepa). Es el turno de los más pequeños para tener un día solo para ellos. Las dos maestras de preescolar trabajan juntas durante este día para conocer a nuestros estudiantes de Kinder y Pre-Kinder y procurar que se sientan cómodos al iniciar el nuevo año escolar. 
  • 17 de febrero: Todos los estudiantes del departamento de preescolar tienen su primer día de clases juntos, de 8:00 am a 3:00 pm
  • 4 de marzo, 1pm – 5 pm: Back to School Night. Vea el detalle de la programación de actividades y talleres de la Tarde de Regreso a Clases aquí

Planificadores de Futuro Verde

Todos los años, los alumnos de Futuro Verde reciben un planificador especialmente diseñados y confeccionados por nuestra escuela. El objetivo principal de estas es informar y facilitar la comunicación entre padres y maestros. Recomendamos fuertemente a los padres revisar el planificador de su estudiante todos los días para fomentar una comunicación fluida con los docentes. 

El planificador también incluye información importante que ayuda a la organización familiar en torno a la escuela y recursos que valen la pena revisar todos los años:

  • Horario
  • Directorio FV
  • Perfil de Comunidad de Aprendizaje y Valores de Futuro Verde
  • Honestidad Académica
  • Calendario
  • Fechas Importantes 2020

Horario escolar

El horario de clases de Futuro Verde es de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 3 pm. Se recomienda que los alumnos lleguen 10 minutos antes de la hora de entrada para que, puedan acomodarse en el aula y saludar a sus compañeros y así, las clases inicien sin interrupciones y puntuales a las 8 am.

El horario de salida es a las 3 pm. Para los alumnos que toman el servicio de transporte escolar, no se esperan cambios ya que la organización del año pasado funcionó correctamente. Sin embargo, se implementarán algunos cambios para los niños que son recogidos por sus padres y/o familiares ya que estamos en el proceso de modificar el parqueo de la escuela. Más detalles llegarán pronto desde la dirección pero podemos adelantarles que las mejoras serán para que el horario de salida sea más fluido y eficiente para todos.

Important Dates 2020

Important Dates 2020

International students

Important dates for the first days of classes 2020

True to our Futuro Verde tradition of innovation and dedication, the 2020 school year brings many activities and positive changes to our educational center. Please find below the important dates to start the year off well.

January 20th: the Futuro Verde offices open.
February 10th: 12.30pm – 3 pm: Open House
February 11th: First day of classes from 1st to 12th grade. Preschool department, soft start: interviews with preschool students and families.
February 12th: Preschool Department, soft start: interviews with preschool students and families.
February 13th: First day of school for Prepa (no classes for Pre-K or Kinder).
February 14th: First day of classes for Pre-K and Kinder (there are no classes for Prepa).
March 4th, 3pm – 5pm: Back to School Night

Important Dates 2020

Fechas importantes 2020

International students

Fechas importantes de los primeros días de clases 2020

Fiel a la costumbre de Futuro Verde de innovar y siempre dar más, el ciclo lectivo 2020 trae muchas actividades y cambios positivos en nuestro centro educativo. Abajo les compartimos las fechas importantes para comenzar bien el año.

  • 20 de enero: abre la oficina de Futuro Verde.
  • 10 de febrero, 12.30pm – 3 pm: Open House
  • 11 de febrero: primer día de clases de 1ero a 12mo grado. Departamento de preescolar, comienzo suave: entrevistas con los estudiante y familias de preescolar.
  • 12 de febrero: Departamento de preescolar, comienzo suave: entrevistas con los estudiante y familias de preescolar.
  • 13 de febrero: primer día de clases para Prepa (no hay clases para Pre-K ni Kinder).
  • 14 de febrero: primer día de clases para Pre-K y Kinder (no hay clases para Prepa).
  • 4 de marzo, 3pm – 5 pm: Back to School Night
Gentle Start for Preschool Department

Gentle Start for Preschool Department

The new school year is fast approaching and at Futuro Verde, the preschool department is preparing to receive the students with our gentle start program, which is designed to provide a gradual and optimal transition to our youngest students. In order to ensure that the gentle start program is clear to all, you will find the details here below.

Gentle Start Schedule

February 10th, 12.30 pm – 3 pm: Open House

Open-door event for the entire school, including the preschool department, to learn about the school, teachers and staff who will work with and support your child all year.

February 11th and 12th: Preschool Department, Gentle Start: interviews with preschool students and families.

Futuro Verde office staff will arrange appointments for individual meetings with each family. During this appointment, families meet with the two preschool teachers to get to know each other, share important details about the students and reach an agreement regarding the goals for the year.

February 13th: first day of school for Prepa (no classes for Pre-K or Kinder).

Both teachers work together on this day to meet our preparatory students and ensure that students adapt to their new role as older students in our preschool department.

February 14th: First day of classes for Pre-K and Kindergarten (no classes for Prepa).

It’s our little ones’ turn to have the day just to themselves! The two preschool teachers work together on this day to meet our Kinder and Pre-K students and ensure that they feel comfortable starting the new school year.

February 17th: All students in the preschool department have their first day of school together, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.