by Noelia | Aug 11, 2021
This summer I had the pleasure of volunteering at Futuro Verde, supporting a handful of amazing classrooms and building out special, individualized supports for diverse learners. I worked alongside a fantastic and dedicated group of educators. I spent specific, focused hours with the school psychologist to unpack existing academic and SEL gaps and ways we could support struggling learners. You often found me with the first or second grade crew, researching best practices in Jimena’s office to later share across lunch tables or tutoring a couple
Colegio students on civics or life science in Spanish. That was a lesson for us both! I also got to work with the PTO to plan and execute a school wide field day, raffle and soda to raise funds for school. With the support, flexibility and teamwork of the school we create a special last day for students before break.
In all that we did, Futuro Verde reminded me of my “why” for teaching. I believe that all students want to and can learn. This often means we adjust to what our students need- both in backwards planning for academic rigor and in the immediate moment of a student in crisis. We also need to look at social and self-regulation skills, and their specific instruction, as “academic enablers” such that they pave the way for so many critical parts of learning and our education system. The Futuro Verde community refreshed my belief and practice in this. In a global season of uncertainty, disconnection, and fear FV felt like an enriching refuge to me, and to many others. They were open to evidence-based suggestions, we tried new ways to engage struggling readers and offered resources to families to carry over the learning at home.
The 5th grade class exemplified how we can use project based learning to uphold high academic expectations and let the creativity of students flourish simultaneously. Ask to see pictures of their biosphere projects! The first graders led with kindness, curiosity and purpose as modeled by their dream team of teachers. The positive correlation between their academic gains and the strength of their classroom culture is evidence enough of the importance of supportive relationships in learning. The responsive teaching in prepa and pre-K showed how to intentionally teach and practice inclusivity at all ages- whether that’s the use of sign language in everyday instructions or lessons during peace practices. It reminded me of how many spaces we live in are diverse, yet we must be intentional about being inclusive and equitable. Kids model what they see so we have to leave with humility, empathy and excellence.
I want to give a huge shout out to all the teachers, administrators, counselors, support staff and everyone else that keeps the school running full steam ahead during troubling times. This includes our students! Just wow! I woke up excited to go to work everyday just to hear the thought-provoking questions students would ask in reading, their growth mindset when working through hard math problems, and their budding self-advocacy in moments of struggle or strife.
Thank you FV for the receptiveness of teachers to feedback on teaching practices and the whole team’s investment in finding social, emotional and academic solutions to our diverse learners.
Hasta pronto.
by Noelia | Aug 11, 2021
Hello families!
I would like to take this opportunity to share an update with you all about Futuro Verde´s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
At the start of this school year, myself and another mother, Alejandra Cano, created this organization with the following goals in mind:
1) Support the educational experience at Futuro Verde.
2) Develop a closer connection between home and school with more parental involvement.
3) Enhance the environment at Futuro Verde through volunteer and financial support.
I am pleased to say that we have been able to meet these goals and are continuing to do so!
To date, we have raised funds to provide breakfast for staff during their monthly meetings. We have purchased many board games for students to use during recess, lunch or designated class time. We have also successfully carried out events and activities such as sodas, Day of the book activities, and our most recent Color Clash Spirit Day. The spirit day was a huge success and you could see the excitement amongst students and staff alike. As we move toward the end of the year, we hope to carry out more fun, meaningful events and purchase more items that will benefit our students and staff.
I also want to thank you all for your continued support, whether you are a part of PTO or not. Without our families, this organization would not be possible and therefore, neither would any of the other things we do. With that being said, we encourage more parents to get involved and help in any way they are able to. If you are interested in learning more about PTO or want to join, please contact Jennifer Middleton at
Warm regards,
Jennifer Middleton
FV PTO President
by Noelia | Aug 4, 2021
Como sabrán, el perfil de la comunidad de aprendizaje IB se rige por ciertos principios, principios que todos los estudiantes de Futuro Verde acogen, dando una oportunidad a cada estudiante de explorarse, conocerse y crecer a partir de ahí.
Uno de mis favoritos es informados e instruidos porque como ya habrán escuchado por ahí: “el conocimiento es poder”.
Por mucho tiempo las mujeres hemos tenido una dificultad para acercarnos al conocimiento completo de la menstruación por muchas razones (falta de información, miedo, tabús, opiniones sociales, etc ). Sin darnos cuenta que así, estamos entregando un super poder que tenemos: ¡ovular! Si, ovular y todo lo que eso implica. De hecho mi profesora sobre el Ciclo menstrual (si, tengo una profe sobre esto) dice que el ciclo debería llamarse “ciclo ovulatorio” y no ciclo menstrual, y yo estoy completamente de acuerdo.
El ciclo implica un movimiento coordinado e importante de hormonas durante todo el mes y la ovulación es nuestro “tracker” oficial de que todo va bien o de que algo va mal (nuevamente, ¡si! La ovulación). Es tan importante para nuestra salud que la dra. Lara Briden dedicó un libro completo a explicar por qué debería ser considerado nuestro quinto signo vital.
Por esta razón es indispensable que las chicas comiencen a conocer desde antes de su menarquía (su primera menstruación) la experiencia completa del ciclo menstrual, todos los datos que el mismo puede darles y aprender a leerlos y graficarlos también.
Conocerse a ellas mismas y los procesos de su cuerpo y hormonas les va asegurar cuidar su salud de una forma más integral, detectar problemas en la misma, alimentarse según la etapa en la que se encuentran, entre muchas otras cosas que logran hacer con ese conocimiento.
¡Les dije que teníamos un superpoder!
En los talleres sobre menstruación que voy a impartir a las chicas de cuarto, quinto y sexto grado, vamos a aprender la experiencia completa del ciclo, desde aprender a nombrar bien las partes involucradas hasta entender que pasa a nivel creativo y energético en cada etapa (y todo lo que hay en el medio). Debo aceptar que estoy ¡muy emocionada! Conocerme a este nivel me cambió la vida y la percepción sobre mi misma, ¡ahora les toca a ellas!
by Noelia | Aug 4, 2021
As you may know, the IB learning community profile is guided by certain principles, principles that all Futuro Verde students embrace, giving an opportunity for each student to explore themselves, get to know themselves, and grow in a more holistic way.
One of my favorite ones is “Knowledgeable”, because as you may have heard: “knowledge is power”.
For many reasons (lack of information, fear, taboos, social opinions, etc.), women have had a hard time approaching the complete knowledge of menstruation. Without realizing it, we are giving away a super power we have: to ovulate! Yes, ovulation and all that implies. In fact my menstrual cycle teacher (yes, I have a teacher about this subject) says that the cycle should be called “ovulatory cycle” and not menstrual cycle, and I completely agree.
The cycle involves a coordinated and important movement of hormones throughout the month and ovulation is our official “tracker” of whether everything is going right or something is wrong (again, yes! Ovulation). It is so important for our health that Dr. Lara Briden devoted an entire book to explain why it should be considered our fifth vital sign.
That is why it is essential that girls begin to learn, before their menarche (their first menstruation), the whole experience of the menstrual cycle. They must learn how to read and record all the information that the menstrual cycle can give them.
Knowing themselves and the processes of their body and hormones will help them take care of their health in a more comprehensive way. They will also be able to detect health problems, eat according to the stage they are in, among many other things they can do with this information.
I told you, we have a super power!
During the menstruation workshops that I will be teaching to the fourth, fifth and sixth grade girls, we will learn about the complete experience of the cycle. We will learn the name of all the body parts involved and we will also be able to understand what happens from a creative and energetic level at each stage (and any other concept related to it). I must admit that I am very excited! Getting to know myself at this level has changed my life and my perception about myself, now it’s our student´s turn!
by Noelia | Aug 4, 2021
“¿700 palabras? ¡Uff! No creo que pueda escribir tanto”, se quejó recientemente un estudiante de 9º grado. Un estudiante de 12º que estaba cerca resopló y le aseguró: “Claro que puedes. Y cuando seas un estudiante del IB, pensarás que una redacción de 1400 palabras no es nada”. La capacidad de componer un ensayo analítico y bien investigado, destacando el pensamiento crítico y demostrando la metacognición es un sello distintivo de un estudiante del IB. Estas cualidades hacen que los graduados de una educación del IB destaquen en el ámbito universitario. De hecho, para los estudiantes que solicitan ingresar a las universidades, tanto aquí en Costa Rica como en el extranjero, las habilidades aprendidas en un colegio del IB hacen que hasta el proceso de solicitud sea muy fácil.
Estadísticamente hablando, los graduados del diploma del IB tienen más probabilidades de asistir a la universidad, tienen más probabilidades de graduarse en la universidad y, a menudo, tienen más probabilidades de graduarse en menos tiempo. Además, la investigación del IB ha encontrado que los estudiantes del diploma del IB han sido citados por demostrar las siguientes habilidades, todas ellas críticas para el éxito de los estudios universitarios:
- Interés y experiencia en la investigación
- Gestión del tiempo y capacidad de organización
- Pensamiento crítico, indagación y resolución de problemas
- Capacidades lingüísticas y de redacción sólidas
- Mentalidad internacional y sentido de la responsabilidad hacia la comunidad.
En última instancia, lo que los estudiantes, y los padres, quieren es graduarse preparados para continuar sus estudios, sea cual sea y donde sea. Y mientras están en la escuela y colegio, quieren perseguir sus intereses y que se les anime a seguir sus propias líneas de investigación. Quieren que su trabajo de curso tenga sentido y que conecte su comunidad local y su experiencia con una comunidad global y una visión internacional. Todo esto está alineado con el programa del IB desde el preescolar hasta los graduados.
En Futuro Verde estamos trabajando continua y constantemente para alinear aún más nuestro plan de estudios con el IB, mientras que simultáneamente se adhieren a todos los requisitos del MEP. Nos hemos esforzado por proporcionar a los estudiantes un aprendizaje significativo y conectado mediante la implementación de la colaboración de los maestros para los vínculos intencionales entre las materias. Y, como escuela, en esta comunidad diversa y en una sociedad cada vez más global, exploramos juntos la mentalidad internacional.