by Noelia | Jul 27, 2018

Futuro Verde teaches students to appreciate their surroundings and to make the best of jungle life! This school year a committee of teachers and students have been tasked with the challenge of organizing a chaperoned, formal school dance, called prom, for our eldest high school students (9th -11th graders). This formal dance will start a new school tradition of a formal dance to be held toward the end of each school year. The prom committee has worked all year to make this event a success and raise the funds needed by October, in time for the prom in November. The efforts so far have been focused on fundraising money to buy the food, drinks, and to pay for the DJ and also have focused on organizing the logistics of the event. This year’s prom will be especially important because our school is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Holding a formal dance is a special way of commemorating this exciting anniversary.
For those of you unfamiliar with the American tradition of prom, it is a magical night and a part of many high school traditions around the world. We want our school to join in this tradition as a way of creating lasting memories for our high school students. As the dance is a chaperoned event, it is a safe and fun way to socialize, dance and create lasting high school memories!
We would appreciate any and all support we can get for our prom. There will be a couple of activities held to support our fundraising goals. The first event our committee is holding is a Date Night to be held in two locations, Cobano and Mal Pais, on August 17th. This initial fundraiser is a great way for dads to celebrate moms after Mother’s Day, with a romantic night out together while your kids are cared for by responsible high school students and adult chaperones.
Thank you for your support and see you at Date Night on August 17th!
by Noelia | Jul 27, 2018

¡Futuro Verde les enseña a los estudiantes a apreciar su entorno y aprovechar la vida en la jungla! Este año escolar, un comité de maestros y estudiantes se ha encargado del desafío de organizar un baile escolar formal y supervisado, llamado fiesta de graduación, para nuestros estudiantes de secundaria (de 9º a 11º años). Con este baile formal se dará inicio a una nueva tradición escolar que se celebrará a finales de cada año escolar. El comité de graduación ha trabajado todo el año para que este evento sea exitoso y para recaudar los fondos necesarios a tiempo para la fiesta de graduación de noviembre. Los esfuerzos se han centrado en recaudar fondos para comprar alimentos y bebidas, pagar al DJ, y organizar la logística del evento. La fiesta de graduación de este año será especialmente importante porque nuestra escuela está celebrando su décimo aniversario. Un baile formal es una ocasión espectacular para conmemorar este emocionante aniversario.
Para aquellas personas que desconocen la tradición estadounidense de la fiesta de graduación, es una noche mágica que forma parte de muchas tradiciones de la escuela secundaria alrededor del mundo. Queremos que nuestra escuela se una a esta tradición como una forma de crear recuerdos duraderos para nuestros estudiantes de secundaria. Dado que la fiesta de graduación es un evento con chaperones, es una forma segura y divertida de socializar, bailar y crear recuerdos eternos.
Agradecemos todo tipo de apoyo para nuestra fiesta de graduación. Habrá algunas actividades para apoyar nuestras metas de recaudación de fondos. El primer evento que nuestro comité está llevando a cabo es una Noche de citas que se llevará a cabo en dos lugares, Cobano y Mal País, el 17 de agosto. Esta recaudación de fondos inicial es una gran manera para que los papás celebren a las mamás, después del Día de la Madre, con una noche romántica mientras sus hijos son atendidos por estudiantes de secundaria responsables y chaperones adultos.
¡Gracias por su apoyo y nos vemos el 17 de agosto en la Noche de las citas!
by Noelia | Mar 26, 2018

During the month of April, we are exploring what it means to be knowledgeable. According to the IB Learner Profile, we define knowledgeable as:
“We explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, we acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines (IB 2017).”
Having discussed the other values in previous months, we know that prior exploring the concept of being knowledgeable, we learn about what it means to be a good inquirer. Prior to practicing inquiry, we discuss as a school community what it means to be a healthy risk taker. When examined in sequence, we realize the way each concept relates to one another. By approaching new situations with courage and forethought, we take healthy risks that push us outside of our comfort zone, allowing us to learn and grow. This process facilitates inquiry as we develop natural curiosity and skills while enjoying the learning process. By practicing taking health risks and building the skill and curiosity of inquiry, we naturally become more knowledgeable.
At Futuro Verde in addition to academic knowledge, students also gain knowledge through experiential learning social-emotional learning. Whether practicing mindfulness or learning about different values, students gain insight into building character. This gives them a well-rounded perspective as they learn to relate to themselves and others around them. Each week at Peace Practices, these values are reinforced with activities as we come together as a school community. This is a fun and interesting way to integrate knowledge with experience as they build their own understanding of who they are in the world. A great way to reinforce this at home as to ask students what value they are learning about this month. If they can tell you about the weekly activities and how it relates to the value of the month, it shows that they are really integrating the concepts and becoming more knowledgeable about themselves and the values we practice as a school.
by Noelia | Aug 23, 2017

by Kira Patterson and Alessia Soares, 10th grade.
In the Southern Nicoya Peninsula, we are surrounded by nature and happy people. How do we keep our community so pure? We care for our community and all try to step in and help in some way. For example, by organising beach clean ups, like we’ve been doing in Futuro Verde for the last few years. Most of us enjoy going to the beach in our free time and like it to be a clean environment for children to play in and a safe one for the local wildlife. Another example is the current recycling campaign in Montezuma where local people are getting involved. In Santa Teresa, there are many kids who don’t have the privilege of easy access to a surfboard or have the money to enter a local surf contest. Maykol Alarcon felt the need to make a difference, and takes a dozen local children surfing in Playa Hermosa every Saturday, along with volunteers from Jakera surf camp. This gives the children the opportunity to do one of the few sports that can be done in the community. He is also planning on extending this project by organising surf contests where they provide the competitors with a board and the subscription fee is free. Thanks to the people that organise all these events and initiatives, we are a community that shows empathy, compassion, and respects the needs and feelings of others.
by Noelia | Aug 1, 2017

Nuestro valor del mes del perfil de aprendizaje es “de mentalidad abierta”. La organización del Bachillerato Internacional lo describe de la siguiente manera:
Entendemos y apreciamos tanto nuestras propias culturas e historias personales, como las perspectivas, valores, y tradiciones de otros individuos y comunidades. Acostumbramos buscar y evaluar una gran variedad de puntos de vista y estamos dispuestos a aprender de la experiencia. (IB 2013)
Ser de mentalidad abierta es especialmente relevante en una escuela y comunidad diversas como las nuestras. Con al menos 30 países diferentes representados y 10 idiomas hablados, hay una multitud de perspectivas que nos rodean a diario. Esto implica una gran variedad de creencias, puntos de vista y de estilos de comunicación y resolución de problemas. Al practicar ser de mentalidad abierta, además de enseñarla a nuestros estudiantes, podemos abordar cada situación particular con empatía mientras intentamos entender a los demás. Cuando estamos “dispuestos a aprender” de “distintos puntos de vista”, podemos reconocer que no siempre es importante tener razón. Reconocer las perspectivas de los demás, ya sea que estemos de acuerdo con ellas o no, nos permite celebrar nuestras diferencias y unirnos mientras coexistimos y cocreamos nuestra comunidad.