by Lural Ramirez | Oct 10, 2018
With the 2018 school year coming to an end and the 2019 school year already taking shape in the minds of the Futuro Verde leadership team, teachers and current and future parents, I share with you some interesting facts regarding enrollment projections for the coming year! Please note that there are still three months of time remaining for families to enroll students and we usually have significant increases in enrollment over that period of time. Numbers shared today are current to the first week of November.
by Lural Ramirez | Oct 10, 2018
Finalizando el año lectivo 2018, el equipo de liderazgo de Futuro Verde, los maestros y padres actuales y futuros ya vamos dirigiendo la mirada hacia el año lectivo 2019. Por ende, comparto con ustedes algunos datos interesantes sobre las proyecciones de matrícula para el próximo año. Tengan presente que aún quedan tres meses para que las familias inscriban a los estudiantes y, por lo general, tenemos un aumento significativo en la matrícula durante ese periodo de tiempo. Los números compartidos hoy están actualizados hasta la primera semana de noviembre.
by Lural Ramirez | Sep 20, 2018
Great news! Futuro Verde’s 2019 school calendar has been finalized! Every year our school leadership team works to develop the new school calendar for the coming year. It is a complex process, as we consider the following aspects:
- The minimum 200 school days (student contact and teacher development)
- The legal requirements regarding national holidays
- The most favorable dates for school events, traditions and trimester divisions
- Prioritization of holiday periods favorable to our diverse community’s needs and wants (a vacation period good for North Americans, another for Europeans and yet another favorable to our Tico community)
The talking and planning has come to an end and the 2019 calendar is ready! Key dates are listed here below and your complimentary 2019 calendar magnet will come once all your registration steps have been confirmed!
Feb 5th: First day of school
April 15th-19th: Spring Break
June 24-July 12th: Mid-year vacation
September 23-October 4: Winter vacation
December 12th: Last Day of School
December 13th and 14th: Conferences and grade reports
December 15th: Graduation
by Lural Ramirez | Sep 20, 2018
¡Les tenemos una gran noticia! ¡El calendario escolar de 2019 de Futuro Verde ha sido finalizado! Cada año, nuestro equipo de liderazgo escolar trabaja desarrollando el calendario para el próximo año lectivo. Es un proceso complejo, puesto que se consideran los siguientes aspectos:
- El mínimo de 200 días escolares (contacto de estudiantes y desarrollo de docentes)
- Los requisitos legales con respecto a los feriados nacionales
- Las fechas más favorables para eventos escolares, tradiciones y divisiones trimestrales
- La priorización de períodos de vacaciones favorables a las necesidades y deseos de nuestra comunidad diversa (un periodo de vacaciones bueno para los norteamericanos, otro para los europeos y otro favorable para nuestra comunidad tica)
¡Las conversaciones y la calendarización han llegado a su fin y el calendario 2019 está listo! Las fechas clave se enumeran a continuación y su imán gratuito del calendario 2019 llegará una vez que se hayan confirmado todos los pasos de su matrícula.
5 de febrero: primer día de clases
15 al 19 de abril: Semana Santa
24 de junio al 12 de julio: vacaciones de medio año
23 de septiembre al 4 de octubre: vacaciones de invierno
12 de diciembre: último día de clases
13 y 14 de diciembre: conferencias e informes al hogar
15 de diciembre: graduación
by Lural Ramirez | Sep 20, 2018
For the last few weeks Futuro Verde parents have had the opportunity to give their invaluable feedback to the Futuro Verde leadership team regarding different aspects of our school. Huge appreciation to all of our families who responded. We had a great turn-out, with respondents from all different cultural backgrounds, native languages, years with the school and with students from every grade level. We appreciate and value your feedback and will take to heart all of your suggestions and comments- Thank you!
Some of the survey results have guided important decisions we have been pondering as a staff. Today, I would like to specifically share with you the results regarding our structure for graduations.
Parents were asked to share their feedback on the level of event we hold for the different graduation levels (Prepa,6th, 9th and 12th grades). Well, the results are in and the survey shows that 56% of Futuro Verde parents prefer a change in the way we have traditionally done graduations. A group of leadership team members, teachers and parents will work to finalize details, but I can share with you today that we will be making the following changes to our graduation structure from this year on:
For Prepa and 9th grade, graduation acknowledgement will be integrated into our festivities during RAP each year. Prepa students will also hold a celebration in their classroom to acknowledge this important change of grade level.
For 6th grade, graduation will happen at Futuro Verde each year. We will hold the graduation on campus, with beautiful decorations and a formal ceremony. This ceremony will be held the second day of conferences as a late afternoon event. This year’s event will be held at 5:00 pm on Friday, December 14th.
There will be no high school graduation event this year, as our current 11th graders will become our first class of 12th graders in 2019. Next year, and from then on out, 12th graders will have an off-campus formal graduation ceremony that will incorporate both the IB and MEP diplomas earned at the end of 12th grade.
This new graduation structure reflects the wishes of a majority of our school community and we are excited to modify our structure in order to make it the most meaningful and appropriate for each graduating class. Again, thank you for your feedback and suggestions!