by Angie Briceño | Oct 15, 2021

We are starting the new academic year and our second year of transition to the international calendar. We congratulate all families and students on successfully concluding this short and fast-paced academic year and thank you deeply for your commitment to Futuro Verde.
We celebrate this new year with the reinstatement of music classes for preschool through 10th grade. We offer a new and exciting arts program. In addition to the reinstatement of music, we continue with art classes, and we will be including a theater class in elementary and theater and dance in middle school.
Having a strong Arts program as part of the school curriculum benefits the overall development of any individual. Some of those benefits may include:
- Increases self-esteem
- Boosts creativity
- Improves communication
- Encounter different sensory experiences that help the human being from a young age to develop other cognitive abilities, among others.
In the middle years (7°-9° grade) we have included new electives where students can choose between Robotics, Personal Project and Community Project. These last two are what the IB calls ¨MYP (Middle Year Programs) Projects¨.
MYP projects are student-centered and age-appropriate and allow students to engage in hands-on explorations through a cycle of inquiry, action and reflection. MYP projects help students develop the attributes of the IB learner profile; offer students a significant opportunity to demonstrate the learning focus skills developed through the MYP; and foster independent, lifelong learners.
The community project focuses on community and service, encouraging students to contribute to the community welfare through their service project. The personal project offers students the opportunity to undertake independent, age-appropriate exploration in an area of their interest. (International Baccalaureate Organization 4).
We are very excited that our 7th-9th graders will be able to explore these two options ,or Robotics, and broaden their educational experience.
Last but not least, we have added swimming lessons through 6th grade, so students from Pk to 6th grade will be enjoying this wonderful sport.
A warm welcome to the 2021-2022 school year and second year of transition! See you back on November 5th!
International Baccalaureate Organization. Community Project Guide. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2021. United Kingdom International Baccalaureate Organization. Personal Project Guide. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2021. United Kingdom
by Angie Briceño | May 18, 2021

Hemos llegado al final del primer semestre del primer año de transición al calendario internacional y los estudiantes han hecho un gran esfuerzo a pesar de las dificultades de la bimodalidad que se ha presentado en diferentes ocasiones.
Somos conscientes de los tiempos difíciles por los que ha pasado nuestra comunidad y el país en estos meses y que los mismos han sido retadores para los estudiantes, por esta razón, queremos comunicar la importancia de asistir a las conferencias de padres y maestros que se realizarán de manera virtual este próximo 9 y 10 de junio. En las conferencias de padres y maestros podrá saber más acerca del desempeño de su hijo (a). Es importante prepararse y tomar en cuenta algunos aspectos para estas conferencias:
- Es una conversación de ambas partes que se enfoca en el desempeño académico y en el desarrollo emocional del estudiante. La conversación debe de informar al padre de familia de cómo le está yendo al estudiante en la escuela y cómo puede mejorar. Asegúrese de traer preguntas que le pueda realizar a los profesores para tener más información acerca del desempeño de su hijo (a) en clases y su desarrollo emocional.
- Así como usted, como padre de familia, los maestros de Futuro Verde también quieren que su hijo (a) tenga éxito, es por esto que durante las conferencias podrá hablar de posibles áreas de crecimiento tanto académicamente como en su desarrollo integral. Es importante que esté listo para realizar preguntas acerca de cómo puede apoyar a su hijo (a) tanto en casa así como preguntar de qué manera se le puede dar apoyo en la escuela para que de esta manera pueda en conjunto con los maestros poner un plan en práctica.
- Si aún no está seguro de cómo es la evaluación en Futuro Verde en el grado de su hijo (a), este es un buen momento para preguntar al respecto.
- Comparta con los maestros información acerca de su hijo (a), cosas como en qué es bueno su hijo (a), en qué áreas necesita más apoyo, áreas en las que su hijo (a) es un apasionado y áreas en las que tal vez no tiene tanto interés.
Después de las conferencias con los maestros es importante que se dé un seguimiento apropiado:
- Apunte toda la información que recibió durante la conferencia, qué es lo que los maestros estarán realizando para apoyar a su hijo y que estará haciendo usted en casa para apoyar también.
- Puede hablar con los maestros durante la conferencia para programar una reunión un tiempo después de la conferencia de padres y maestros para dar seguimiento al plan de acción.
- Recuerde que las conferencias de padres y maestros tratan acerca de su hijo (a), por lo cual ¡no olvide mencionarlo a ellos! Cuéntele lo que aprendió y cómo va a recibir apoyo tanto de la escuela así como de su hogar. Pregúntele qué le parece el plan y acerca de sugerencias.
Esperamos verlos a todos en las conferencias de padres y maestros este próximo 9 y 10 de junio para compartir con los maestros y poder mantenerse informado. Las invitaciones para las conferencias virtuales se enviarán en una fecha más cercana a las fechas de la conferencia. ¡No falten!
by Angie Briceño | May 18, 2021

We have reached the end of the first semester of the year of transition to the international calendar and the students have made a great effort despite the difficulties of the bimodality that has occurred on different occasions.
We are aware of the difficult times that our community and the country have been going through during these months and that they have been challenging for students, that is why we want to communicate the importance of attending the parent-teacher conferences that will be held virtually this coming June 9th and 10th. During the parent-teacher conferences you will be able to learn more about the performance of your child. . It is important to be prepared and take into consideration some aspects for these conferences:
- It is a two-way conversation that focuses on the student’s academic performance and emotional development. The conversation should inform the parent of how the student is doing in class and how the student can improve. Make sure you bring questions you can ask the teachers to learn more about your child’s classroom performance and emotional development.
- Just like you, as a parent, the teachers at Futuro Verde also want your child to succeed, that is why during the conferences you will be able to discuss possible areas of growth both academically and in their overall development. It is important for you to be ready to ask questions about how you can support your child at home as well as how you can support your child at school, and together be able to come up with an action plan.
- If you are still not sure about the Futuro Verde´s assessment in your child’s grade, now is a good time to ask about it.
- Share with teachers information about your child, what is your child good at, the areas your child needs more support, areas in which your child is passionate about, and areas your child may not be that interested.
After teacher conferences, the appropriate follow-up is very important:
- Take notes on all the information you received during the conference. What will the teachers be doing to support the student and what will you be doing at home to support your child.
- You can talk to the teachers during the conference and schedule a meeting some time after the parent-teacher conference to follow up on the action plan.
- Remember that parent-teacher conferences are about your child, so be sure to tell them! Tell them what you learned and how they will receive support from both school and home. Ask what he or she thinks about the plan and about the suggestions.
We hope to see you all at the parent-teacher conferences on June 9 and 10 to share with teachers and stay informed. Invitations for the virtual conferences will be sent out closer to the conference dates. Do not miss them!
by Angie Briceño | May 15, 2021

During this time of uncertainty, where the number of cases in our area has been increasing, Futuro Verde continues to work in order to provide educational services to all of our students. We improve and learn day by day which leads us to offer the modality of virtual lessons and in campus lessons. Our goal is to offer spaces for students where they can continue with their lessons without interrupting their learning process.
A group of teachers and members of the administrative team have worked hard creating the virtual schedules shared above and we will continue working on improving and offering the best virtual education to students when necessary.
It is important for you to consider that even though due to the positive cases of Covid-19 that have been presented in the past and that have forced us to change to on-line lessons in certain grades, these classes are still just as important as the in-person ones. We would like to share with you some tips to follow during these weeks:
- Keep basic materials handy, such as a notebook, white sheets of paper, and a pencil case with supplies.
- Follow the virtual class schedule so that your child can be accompanied by the teacher synchronously and asynchronously throughout the day.
- Contact the teachers at the end of the week and stay informed of your child’s progress.
If you have any questions, all the teachers and staff are here to help.
by Angie Briceño | May 15, 2021

Durante estos tiempos tan cambiantes en donde los casos en nuestra zona se han visto en aumento, Futuro Verde sigue trabajando para brindar continuidad educativa a todos nuestros estudiantes. Seguimos mejorando y aprendiendo día a día lo que conlleva a ofrecer esta modalidad de virtualidad y presencialidad, nuestra meta es ofrecer espacios a los estudiantes en donde puedan continuar con sus lecciones sin que se vea interrumpido el aprendizaje.
Un grupo de maestros y miembros del equipo administrativo han trabajado arduamente para formar los horarios virtuales que se les ha compartido anteriormente y seguiremos trabajando para mejorar y ofrecer la mejor educación virtual a los estudiantes cuando sea necesario.
Es importante que consideren que aunque por los motivos de casos positivos de Covid-19 que se han estado presentando anteriormente y que nos han obligado a cambiar a la virtualidad en ciertos grados, siguen siendo clases igual de importantes que las presenciales. Por lo tanto les queremos compartir algunos consejos para seguir durante esas semanas:
- Mantener materiales básicos como un cuaderno, hojas blancas y cartuchera con utensilios.
- Seguir el horario de clases para que de esta manera su hijo (a) pueda tener compañía del maestro sincrónica y asincrónicamente durante el día.
- Comunicar con los maestros al final de la semana para estar informado del progreso de su hijo (a).
Si tienen alguna duda o consulta, todos los maestros y personal de staff estamos para ayudarles.