Kids activities
- CIRENAS summer camp, information in
- Art classes in murals with Manuel Gessele in Montezuma, contact number 8561-5847. Come and help Montezuma to look prettier!
- Art classes in El Sano Banano, contact number 2642-0368
El 12 de octubre, también conocido como el Día de las Razas o el Día de las Culturas es celebrado en el continente americano para conmemorar su descubrimiento por el conocido explorador Cristóbal Colón.
Sin embargo, a través de los años el motivo de esta festividad se ha ido convirtiendo poco a poco en una celebración a la mezcla de culturas la cual experimentan todos los países de América.
Costa Rica no es la excepción, siendo el hogar de más de 47 nacionalidades, Costa Rica goza de una gran diversidad cultural. Nuestro hogar, la Península de Nicoya es un lugar clave para la interculturalidad en nuestro país y Futuro Verde no se queda atrás.
Aquí, en Futuro Verde, compartimos con más de 30 nacionalidades diferentes entre profesores, staff y familias, celebrando de esta manera todos los días la diversidad de culturas, cultivando siempre el respeto y la tolerancia hacia los demás.
October 12th, also known as the Day of Races or the Day of Cultures, is celebrated in the American continent to commemorate the discovery of the well-known explorer Cristobal Colon.
However, over the years, the main reason for this holiday has gradually changed into a celebration of the mix of cultures that’s been experienced all over America.
Costa Rica is not the exception. It enjoys a great cultural diversity, being the home of more than 47 nationalities. Our home, the Peninsula of Nicoya is a key place for interculturalism in our country and Futuro Verde is not left behind.
Here, in Futuro Verde, we share with more than 30 different nationalities among teachers, staff and families. We celebrate a diversity of cultures every day, always cultivating respect and tolerance towards others.
October 12th, also known as the Day of Races or the Day of Cultures, is celebrated in the American continent to commemorate the discovery of the well-known explorer Cristobal Colon.
However, over the years, the main reason for this holiday has gradually changed into a celebration of the mix of cultures that’s been experienced all over America.
Costa Rica is not the exception. It enjoys a great cultural diversity, being the home of more than 47 nationalities. Our home, the Peninsula of Nicoya is a key place for interculturalism in our country and Futuro Verde is not left behind.
Here, in Futuro Verde, we share with more than 30 different nationalities among teachers, staff and families. We celebrate a diversity of cultures every day, always cultivating respect and tolerance towards others.