Our Faculty and Staff
Futuro Verde is fortunate to boast a diverse, experienced and uniquely talented group of individuals working together each day to collaboratively meet the needs of our multicultural and multilingual student population. This combination of depth of experience and breadth of interest and expertise ensures a consistently high level of teaching and learning at all grade levels and for all courses of study.

Gabriel Maldonado
Head of School
About Gabriel
Contact: director@futuro-verde.org
Gabriel Maldonado
Head of School
Originally from Puerto Rico, New York City is my second home, and in the past 37 years I’ve taught or led in universities, schools and non for profit organizations in Puerto Rico, New York, Dominican Republic, Tanzania, Mexico, and Costa Rica.
As a school leader I aspire to build schools that transform lives and change communities, that form students who are ethical leaders and innovative creators, who are passionate and critical thinkers, who lead purposeful, caring and meaningful lives, and who are just as comfortable with science, math and reason, as with the creative arts and humanities.
Dr. Gabriel has helped found 4 schools in Puerto Rico, New York City, Tanzania and Dominican Republic, two of which were STEM magnet schools. He has also completed the growth of a school in Costa Rica, and helped turn around schools in Mexico and Costa Rica. Prior to leading schools, he led a teacher education department in New York, and founded and led an outdoor-biodiversity focused environmental education NGO in Puerto Rico.
I love outdoor nature activities including hiking, scuba, kayaking and horseback riding. I have 3 children ages 18, 14 and 10. The oldest, Myles Gabriel, is in college in New York, and my daughter Maiya and Ricardo Gabriel live with me in beautiful Costa Rica. My wife Monica is from Chile and is a lifelong teacher and school leader.I’m excited about working at Futuro Verde to support its development in becoming one of the great jungle schools of Central America!
2017 Most Innovative School Project in Latin America, awarded to Liceo Cientifico which I founded by REDUCA
2016 Outstanding School Innovator – Public Schools – EDUCA, Dominican Republic for my work founding Liceo Cientifico
2009 Principal’s Performance Bonus NYCDOE awarded to Principal’s Performing in the top 6% of the city
2009 Outstanding Public School Principal – Blackboard Awards, New York City, New York
2006 – 2011 Four of my teachers won Best Public School Teacher, New York City – Blackboard Awards (2 in Math, 2 in ELA)
2007-2009 – 96.7% School Report Card – 3rd highest of any new middle school, 25th highest in NYC (out of 1400 schools)
2008-9 Principal’s Performance review – Annual Evaluation – 31/31 (highest possible evaluation score) by Superintendent.
2008-9 CSS-MSE wins NYC Blackboard Award for most promising new middle school in New York City, CSS_MSE I founded.
1998-2004 Commendable Performance Faculty review (highest possible ranking) – 6 years in a row, Hartwick College, NY
2002 Departmental Distinction Award to the Department of Education, which I chaired, Hartwick College, NY
1999, 2000 Special Merit Awards conferred by VP of Academic Affairs, Hartwick College, New York
1997 Outstanding Community based Education Project Award – to PROEA- Municipal Cultural Center, Vega Alta, PR
1992 State Award – Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching
1991 Teacher of the Year Award (student elected) – Saint Johns High School, San Juan Puerto Rico
Check Dr.G’s social:
Administrative Staff

Karol Madrigal Segura
Curriculum Coordinator
About Karol
Contact: karol.madrigal@futuro-verde.org

Tania Rodríguez
Business Manager
About Tania
Contact: tania.rodriguez@futuro-verde.org

Noelia Morales Perera
Communications & Admissions
About Noelia
Contact: communications@futuro-verde.org & admisiones@futuro-verde.org

Ericka Rodriguez
Reception l Administrative Assistant to the Head of School
About Eri
Contact: recepcion@futuro-verde.org

Hannia Granados
Operations Manager
About Hannia
Contact: operaciones@futuro-verde.org
Preschool Teaching Staff

Katherine Barrantes
Spanish Preschool Teacher
About Katherine
Contact: katherine.barrantes@futuro-verde.org

Jennifer McLennan
English Preschool Teacher
About Jennifer
Contact: jennifer.mclennan@futuro-verde.org

Claudia Grajales
Spanish Preschool Teacher Assistant
About Claudia
Contact: claudia.grajales@futuro-verde.org

Hileyn Mariela Víquez Mora
English Preschool Teacher Assistant
About Hileyn
Contact: hileyn.viquez@futuro-verde.org
Lower Primary Teaching Staff

Daniela Meneses Obando
English 1°- 3° | GS 1° - 3°
About Daniela
Contact: daniela.meneses@futuro-verde.org

Francine González Picado
Spanish 1° - 3°| Social Studies 1° - 3°
About Francine
Contact: francine.gonzalez@futuro-verde.org

Rebecca Montero
Env science 1°-6°| Music 1° - 3° (S1) | Art 1° - 3° (S2)
About Rebecca
Her creativity is reflected in the way she teaches her classes, which is based on explanations with drawings on the blackboard, so that the children can write or draw the information they have learned and work as a team when they go to the field to conduct experiments. She also studied Advertising Design at the Universidad Hispanoamérica, and this tool has helped her because she has designed mini-stories for children. She loves to sow seeds, watch them grow and wait patiently to contemplate their flowers or fruits. She feels very grateful to be a guide for the students, she has the conviction that each mind and heart of the students is cultivated from love, understanding, without imposition, and letting them be who they really are, adapting a healthy environment of respect and harmony. She is also the vocalist of the band Get in the Microbus, where her compositions are inspired by Mother Nature, inspired by howler congos, rivers, daily life on the coasts, with its waves and surreal sunsets that make our stay on earth a paradise for those who know how to appreciate.
Contact: rebecca.montero@futuro-verde.org

Diana Carolina Vargas Ortega
Science 1° - 3° | Math 1° - 3°
About Diana
Contact: diana.vargas@futuro-verde.org
Upper Primary Teaching Staff

Laura Martinez
Global Studies 4° - 5° | Science 4° - 6°
About Laura
Contact: laura.martinez@futuro-verde.org

Matthew Liggio
English 4°- 6° | Math 4° | GS 6°
About Matthew
Contact: matthew.liggio@futuro-verde.org

Alondra Vargas Sánchez
Spanish 4°, 5°, 6° | Est.Sociales 4°, 5°, 6°
About Alondra
Contact: alondra.vargas@futuro-verde.org
Secondary Teaching Staff

Carter Rutherford
English A 7°| English B 9°, 10°, 11°, 12° (IB)
About Carter
Contact: carter.rutherford@futuro-verde.org

Meiby Soto Cortés
Spanish B 4°- 8° | Spanish A 9°
About Meiby
Contact: meiby.soto@futuro-verde.org

Fiona McLellan
Science 7°- 9° | Env studies 7°- 9°
About Fiona
Contact: fiona.mclellan@futuro-verde.org

Math 9° - 12° (IB)
About Daniela
Contact: daniela.sandi@futuro-verde.org

Paula Madariaga
English A 8° - 12° (IB)
About Paula
Contact: paula.madariaga@futuro-verde.org

Tatiana López
Spanish A 7°, 8° , 10° , 11° , 12°
About Tatiana
Contact: tatiana.lopez@futuro-verde.org

José Pablo Arguedas Espinoza
Social Studies 7° - 10° | CAS 11°, 12°
About José Pablo
Contact: josepablo.arguedas@futuro-verde.org

Monica Bastidas
ES10° | Biology & ESS 11°, 12° | EE 12° (IB)
About Javier
Contact: monica.bastidas@futuro-verde.org

Roberto Quirós Araya
Math 5°,6°,7°,8° | Chemistry 10°
About Roberto
Contact: roberto.quiros@futuro-verde.org

Francella Lopez
English B 4°-8°
About Fran
Contact: francella.lopez@futuro-verde.org

Debbie Bruylant
Spanish B 9°, 10º, 11°, 12°
About Debbie
Debbie and her family moved to Costa Rica 10 years ago, where she soon started to work as a language specialist for Futuro Verde from 2014 to 2019, after this she became President of Academia Torogoz which is a sports and recreational center that partners with Futuro Verde. Debbie’s favorite part of teaching is the interaction with the students. She is motivated and encouraged day to day by the opportunity to know each student’s unique way of learning and engaging and allowing those aspects to feed into and diversify the group´s dynamic. Debbie will be our Spanish B teacher for the upper secondary grades.
Contact: debbie.bruylant@futuro-verde.org
School Specialists

Denisse Chevez
PE Prek-4°, 7°, 8°
About Denisse
Contact: denisse.chevez@futuro-verde.org

Luis Carlos Rojas
PE Prek3-4°, kinder, 3° - 6°, 9°, 10°
About Luis
Contact: luis.rojas@futuro-verde.org

Alexa Niguette Alguera
Music | 5°, 7°, 9° (S1) - 4°, 6º, 8°, 9° (S2)
About Alexa
Contact: alexa.alguera@futuro-verde.org

Javier Fernández
Visual Arts 4°, 8°, 10° (S1) - 5°, 6°, 7°,10° (S2) | TOK 11°, 12°
About Javier F
Contact: javier.fernandez@futuro-verde.org
Cleaning and Maintenance Staff

Alys Prendas
About Alys
Contact: alys.prendas@futuro-verde.org

Kitchen Staff

Mariela Moreno Jiménez