Blended Learning:
a hybrid of online and in person learning opportunities
Welcome back to blended learning!
We are excited to welcome students back to campus, whether through our recreational programming, our CAI or as a part of school re-entry when the government permits.
The purpose of this section of our website is to provide the latest information on our reopening plan, by program.
Over the coming days and weeks, we will continue to update this information on a range of topics as the COVID-19 situation evolves. In the meantime, if you have feedback, please feel free to email me directly.
Lural Ramírez
Futuro Verde Director

- Our Guiding Principles
- Campus Improvements
- Maintaining Health and Safety
- Distance Learning 2.0
- Recreational Center and CAI FV
As we look towards this new phase of campus activity, the Futuro Verde Leadership Team and Board of Directors is committed to opening the campus to the fullest extent possible, guided by the following principles.
- Our decisions in response to the COVID-19 crisis will be informed and guided by national experts and best practice in the field of international education.
- We will maintain our commitment to deliver an outstanding educational experience for all students, while protecting the health & safety of all members of the FV community.
- We will proactively engage the community during the crisis as part of our commitment to continually improving our response and the FV learning experience.
- We will responsibly plan for multiple scenarios, enabling us to shift or pivot with agility and preparedness.
- We will think creatively and strategically across the various grade level sections of the school, with a constant focus on maintaining – and improving wherever possible – the FV learning experience through all on-campus, distance, and blended scenarios.
- We will be ambitious in solving problems and creating solutions.
- We will actively contribute in meaningful ways to COVID-19 initiatives in Costa Rica.
Recognising our community responsibility
Whilst it is the responsibility of the school to deliver an outstanding learning experience for all students throughout this school year, our ability to keep our campus open under any of our operational permits will depend greatly on the actions of our entire community – faculty & staff, students and parents alike.
We all have a personal responsibility to do our part to try and stay healthy and help others stay healthy. We need to think about how we and our children are interacting outside of campus, as well as on campus. If we all commit to do what is required, at home and at school, that will greatly increase the likelihood that our students can spend more time on campus as opposed to distance learning.
Health and Safety Measures
At FV we take our approach to health and safety during the global pandemic seriously. Please read our full protocol linked below.
For a fun way to review the most basic guidelines, please watch this student-created video.
We have made infrastructure improvements to adapt our school grounds to the health and safety measures needed for a safe return of students and staff to campus.
- Installing a covered hand-washing station at the entrance to the campus
- Installing stand-alone disinfectant stations across the campus
- Installing paper towel dispensers at all hand-washing and bathroom stations
- Adding signage to control the flow of movement and to visualize the physical distancing required
- Completion of the administrative remodel in order to have more usable office spaces, testing room, and new libraries and computer lab.
The following health and hygiene protocols are in line with advice and will be strictly adhered to throughout the school year. Further adjustments may be made as more information is received from the Costa Rican health ministry.
- The school office will only be available to students who need to be sent home due to illness, need medication during the school day, or have been injured. Parents should be available for pick-up within an hour. Students and employees must be symptoms free for 72 hours before returning to school.
- All FV employees, parents and students (at every grade level) are required to use a mask or shield covering the mouth and nose, while on the FV campus.
- Strict hand washing should be done before applying and after removal of a mask or shield. Non-disposable masks should be washed at 60 degrees celsius daily.
- Face shields should be disinfected after each use.
- Parents are required to provide masks/shields for their child.
- All FV employees, parents and students should practice respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into the elbow or a tissue.
- Where applicable, windows and doors will remain open at all times.
- Adults and students are required to maintain a distance of at least 1.8m between other adults, as well as students, where possible.
- Buildings will be cleaned throughout the day by our cleaning staff, concentrating on: bathrooms; doors and handles; handrails; floors; bins; and offices.
- Disinfectant spray and disposable cloths will be available in each classroom.
- Tables and chairs will be cleaned by the cleaning staff at the end of each day.
- Cleaning staff will wear masks and disposable gloves while they work.
- Playground equipment will be cleaned with a disinfectant between each recess.
Futuro Verde’s preferred approach to learning is on-campus and in-person, taking full advantage of the wonderful community and facilities that are a critical part of the FV learning experience.
In the event that the authorities or circumstances direct us to a distance learning environment, our commitment will always be to keep this approach as short as possible – in the context of safety guidelines – and, from the many positive lessons we have learned thus far, to adhere to the goals and actions outlined below.
Our Distance Learning Plan 2.0 places priority on three learning goals:
The quality of synchronous* Distance Learning is enhanced and ensured by: |
The quality of asynchronous* Distance Learning is enhanced and ensured by: |
We have enhanced the capacity of our Distance Learning Programme by: |
A weekly schedule that provides consistency and structure to the learning day | A balance of individual and collaborative work | Updating our “landing page” to reflect updates made in our 2.0 model |
A mixture of full class and smaller group interactions with teachers | A wide variety of resources for learning including reading, videos, podcasts | Adapting/adjusting subject content to suit the hybrid learning environment |
Maintaining daily check in with CREW groups to provide both social connections and opportunities to share celebrations and concerns | A balance of screen-based and ongoing feedback on understanding from teachers through comments on drafts, short check-ins, and assessments | Adapting/adjusting content to help students understand global events |
Regular feedback to parents via emails, portfolios and report cards | Opportunities for challenge and extension | Developing interdisciplinary projects |
Opportunities for students to explore personal interests and demonstrate their learning | Adapting pastoral care programmes | |
Providing counselling structures that give all students regular access to counselling support | ||
*Synchronous learning is online or distance education that happens in real time, whereas asynchronous learning occurs through online channels without real-time interaction. |
We are proud to have two additional operational permits available to our community of learners.
Recreational Center
Futuro Verde’s recreational permit allows for students to come to campus to engage in activities related to:
- Holistic programming
- Environmental education
- Physical education
- Music education
- Art education
- Academic support
CAI Futuro Verde (Integrated Attention Center)
Futuro Verde’s CAI permit allows for students to come to campus, those between the ages of 3 to 12 years of age, in order to receive an integrated, extended-day program.
Returning to Campus
How do we plan to reconnect with students and support them as they return to campus under any of our on-campus programming?
Our staff are preparing dynamic, fun and welcoming activities to make sure on campus learning is enjoyable. Our school psychologist is on campus as well and ready to support students in need.
What if a case of coronavirus is detected at FV?
- Any member of the FV community (including immediate family members) with symptoms of coronavirus is required to self-isolate and contact their medical practitioner immediately. In such circumstances, the school’s office should also be informed.
- If a coronavirus case is detected, the school will follow up-to-date advice from the Costa Rican ministry of health. This is likely, where possible, to involve transitioning cohorts to distance learning until students and teachers are given the all clear to return to campus.
What if students or teaching staff are unable to start on campus immediately?
- We recognise that some families, for a multitude of factors, will experience disruption to their plans. As a result, we anticipate that some students will not be able to attend school on campus.
- We are committed to providing all students who are unable to be on campus, at all grade levels, with distance learning that helps them to prepare for their eventual transition to school and also keeps them connected to their classmates.
- In the event that any FV teacher is unable to return to campus due to travel restrictions, quarantine or sickness, FV will look to re-adjust staff to support learning across campus. In the event that any of our teachers are designated “at risk” by a medical practitioner, our priority is to ensure their safety and wellbeing.
Are there conditions in which the school will not follow the advice of the Ministry of Health guidelines?
- No. FV will be following all guidelines put forth from the Costa Rican Health Ministry.
What are the options for families who do not wish to send their children to school due to health concerns?
- Parents with concerns are encouraged to contact our school director if they are in any way concerned about the health of their children or immediate family members.
School Finances
How has the school adjusted its financial planning in the light of COVID-19?
- Since the onset of the pandemic, the school’s Leadership Team has worked closely with the Board of Directors to ensure financial and operational stability by:
- Implementing numerous cost and cash management plans
- Negotiating with all vendors while maintaining essential services
- Deferring maintenance and capital improvement projects not related to health and safety
- Developing multiple financial scenarios and related action plans for the coming school year.
- Notwithstanding this financial prudence, we remain committed to providing a quality educational experience for all students, equipping this generation of students, and supporting our school families throughout this journey.
How does our enrollment look for the coming school year?
- As we look to the new school year, despite the uncertainty of the past few months, we are targeting an opening enrollment of 160 students, a reduction from the beginning of this school year.
Was the cost of FV tuition increased for the coming year?
- Each year in May/June, the FV Association sets Tuition Fees for the following school year. Historically, the cost of tuition is adjusted upwards to accommodate cost of living increases, as well as necessary capital investment. This year, the Association voted not to apply any increase to the tuition schedule for the 2021 school year.
- For a full breakdown of Tuition and other fees for the 2020-21 school year, see
In the event of financial hardship, can I apply for assistance?
- The FV Board of Directors and School Finance Officer work to support families that experience a change of circumstances during the time their children attend FV directly related to the pandemic. This is additional to the sliding scale program we offer each year to qualifying families. This process is validated through an extensive process of application and review of financial need by a qualified social worker.
In 2021, we do not anticipate having the ability to offer additional scholarships to families. For more information, please contact the school at
Extra programming
What is the current status of the Athletics and Activities program at FV?
We are proud to offer programming to students through our recreational permit and following all in-country guidelines and health protocols.
Will FV offer a summer school program this year?
Yes! We are proud to be planning our first official summer school program, scheduled for January 2021. Stay tuned for further information and details.
More inquiries
Where can I find other useful links and resources?
- We have developed an extensive set of resources available on our website. Please visit the following sections of our website in order to access these resources.
- Family wellbeing
- COVID-19 Crisis Relief Fund
- Online Registration
How will we keep you updated with the latest information and updates?
- Throughout the rest of the school year, we will continue to update this section of the school website with latest information on our response levels, as well as useful links and a summary of our Distance Learning Plans.
- All communication about COVID-19 that impacts any aspect of life and learning at FV will also be communicated via:
- Our monthly school newsletter
- School emails