Please note that Futuro Verde is changing to a later start time during the 2018 school year. School will now start at 8:00 am. Departure time each day continues to be 3:00 pm each day. Please adjust your family’s morning routine to assure that you are adequately prepared for this change. Other important considerations related to our 8 am start include the following:

  • Teacher and administrative work days have shifted to 7 am to 3 pm. All teacher meetings will happen from 7 to 8 am, including any parent meetings needed. This change for staff allows us all consistent collaborative time and assures our staff enjoy a work/life balance with an afternoon free to enjoy personal health goals, hobbies , to coach sports teams or clubs, or in order to spend time with family and friends.
  • The 10 minute homeroom time we used to have from 7:30-7:40 does not continue with our 8:00 start. Students need to report directly to their first class each day at 8:00 am and that teacher will take attendance. Being on time is important as instruction will begin in all classes at 8:00 on the dot, with no cushion built in for late arrival. Students who arrive after the 8 am morning bell will need to report to the office upon arrival as they will be marked absent by teachers, which will be modified to a tardy by our office staff once they have reported to the office before reporting to class.
  • The bus companies that work with Futuro Verde families have been notified of our new start time. However, if you use the bus service, please assure that you have communicated with the company to fully understand any changes to pick-up times that may impact your family directly.

Please assure that one of your New Year’s Resolutions this year is perfect attendance (or near perfect attendance, in the case of an emergency or illness) for your child this year. Students who attend school daily and arrive on time, without missing out on instruction throughout the day and year, are shown to have better social-emotional skills and stronger academic abilities. Set good family routines at home that assure your child arrives on time each day!

Thank you!

Lural Ramirez


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