As we enter the holiday season, bidding farewell to one year and welcoming another, we inevitably begin a period of transition. Kids transition from school to home before moving on again to the new school year. This is also, of course, a transition for adults as well. By incorporating some of the concepts that have been discussed in previous newsletter articles this year, we all can enjoy our time together with family and friends as we get ready to enter a new phase.


  1. Create balance.

By giving proactive, positive attention and opportunities for choice, we can empower our children to be engaged as they enter a holiday time and the beginning of a new year. Predictibility can also help to set the tone when kids know what to expect as routines change. This helps everyone to feel relaxed and at ease.

  1. Be mindful.

With awareness, we can participate in any situation in a healthy and meaningful way. Allowing quiet time is a great we to give our bodies and brains a well-deserved break. This, of course can provide many neurological benefits and is a great we to reset or set the day off in a positive way while reducing stress and setting intention.

  1. Embrace compassion.

Compassion for self and others involves treating others the way you want to be treated while also treating yourself the caring way you treat others. This allows for an encouraging and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and be comfortable. When children embody this trait they are confident, kind, and courageous.

  1. Practice Gratitude.

Intentionally choosing to express gratitude on a regular basis literally rewires your brain for optimism, well-being, and life satisfaction. When children and adults make this practice a habit, there is less space for fear and stress neurologically which spills out into the real world as we go through our daily lives. This is especially the case during times of transition which can sometimes be uncertain and stressful. Choosing to take inventory and recognize the positive aspects of our lives doesn’t necessarily mean the negative aspects aren’t present. It simply gives us the power to guide our focus. Kids love making lists of things they appreciate and can teach us well how far the effects of gratitude can reach.


A few simple ideas can have a big impact during times and change and set the stage for a rewarding and fun experience.

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