“The future will either be green or not at all.”
– Bob Brown
Environmental Education
With protection of the environment as one of the founding principles of our school, environmental studies form an integral pillar of the education students receive at Futuro Verde. Our students in all grade levels are fortunate to have classes in their schedule focused on environmental education, classes in which they learn to respect and care for the environment and participate in community and school based projects. Furthermore, each classroom teacher assures integration of environmental themes into their specific subject areas and interdisciplinary units of study. These efforts combine with school initiatives focused on the following important aspects of environmental stewardship and protection to make Futuro Verde truly an environmental school of the future:
- 5 star Green certification of the school through Bandera Azul Ecológica
- A school-wide recycling center open to the community
- Regular beach clean-ups in our surrounding beach communities
- School-wide digital initiatives to reduce our use of paper
- Development of our school as a Permaculture campus, in collaboration with Escuela de la Jungla and Green Wave
Green Certification
A committee of teachers, parents, students and administrators forms the team that has led our school in securing the prestigious designation of Bandera Azul Ecológica with an impressive 5 out of 5 stars. The process requires a series of commitments on the part of the school: water conservation, energy conservation, clean bathrooms and school beautification, among others.
Recycling Program at FV
We are currently collaborating with a recycling initiative out of Paquera in order to assure our recyclables complete the full circle of being recycled, from collection to the recycling plan. The following materials are able to be recycled at school: Tetra Pak, glass, plastic, aluminum, paper and paperboard.
Specific Environmental Projects by Grade Level
First grade:
Guardians of the domestic animals – the worm bin and the chickens
Second grade:
Guardians of the plants
Third grade:
Guardians of the soil
Fourth grade:
Guardians of the air
Fifth grade:
Guardians of the wild animals
Sixth grade:
Guardians of the water
Seventh grade:
Guardians of the Biodiversity
Eighth grade:
Guardians of the Green Spaces
Ninth grade:
Guardians of the recycling center
Tenth grade:
Guardians of the food forest and banana circles
Eleventh and twelfth grades:
International Baccalaureate Group 4 project connected to IB Biology
Beach Clean-ups:
With the focus on community service, FV participates in regular beach clean-ups. Our environmental community partners help us in these efforts: ICE, Water Keeper and Estación de Montezuma, among others. We invite all to collaborate with us, to enjoy a fun filled morning with school friends and community partners and to do your part to care for our beautiful, local beaches.
Farm to Table:
Farm to Table is an initiative Futuro Verde strives to achieve. Each year, our students of all ages work with farmers and individuals committed to sustainability in our community, with our school environmental education teacher and in their science classes in order to explore different ways to make our school more sustainable. As budget and weather permits, our students engage in vegetable, fruit and chicken farming in order to make a direct connection to the food that can be grown and produced in our own school yard.

Environmental Education Blog
World Water Day 2021
World Water Day World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 to reflect on the importance of this natural resource that allows us to live. We are very fortunate to live in an area where there is water everywhere and we do not have to travel to get drinking water. In...
Why Curricular Enrichment Matters More than Ever During Crisis Schooling
I come to you today with some reflections on educational response to the global pandemic, specifically an argument for why curricular enrichment should always be prioritized and, during times of immediate crisis, why it is needed more than ever. For years, national...
End of Year Events
The end of the year is always a busy time for everyone and school life at Futuro Verde is no exception. The end of the 2019 school year comes loaded with many fun activities and important family events, so we wanted to make sure you wouldn´t miss anything by sharing...
Futuro Verde: We Grow and Learn in Harmony with Nature
Over the course of this year I have been sharing with you reflections on our school’s core values. My article in September explored the fourth of five core school values, “Futuro Verde: We Take the Best of our Diversity to Live in Harmony”. Today, I will be sharing reflections on our fifth and final core school value.
Futuro Verde Participates in the Scarlet Macaw Release
Scarlet Macaw Release at Wild Sun Rescue Center Last Friday, July 26th, four Futuro Verde students were invited to be the Masters of Ceremony for the fifth annual Scarlet Macaw Release at Wild Sun Rescue Center. Futuro Verde is excited to be collaborating with...
Join us for BHS 2019!
Have you heard about Futuro Verde's annual education conference held on our campus on the last Thursday and Friday of June each year? Attendees from years past can attest to how unifying the conference is with attendance by educators, community members, parents and...
Permaculture at Futuro Verde
Permaculture, sustainability, regenerative practices...all synonyms for a holistic approach defined by Bill Mollison as “a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labor;...
Sustainable Solutions Fair/Trashion/Green Fair
Futuro Verde’s 2nd annual Sustainable Solutions Fair will be held on Friday, November 30th, but students are already hard at work. This year we are focusing on widening our sustainability topics and learning as a process which we will approach and evaluate...
What is it that motivates people to engage in environmental activism
With this question, the 2018 BHS Conference was off to another great start. This unique annual professional development opportunity for educators, parents, and community members is a one of a kind experience that takes place in the beautiful jungle...
Earth Day Charity Challenge Recap
On April 23rd, we celebrated Earth Day at Futuro Verde with costumes, activities and workshops. Thanks to the collaboration of students, parents and friends, Refugio Romelia, Cabo Blanco Reserva Absoluta and ASVO achieved the first, second and third place...